Thursday, December 25, 2008
My kids hate this car!
Friday, December 12, 2008
My recent all day ride - Kazma / Al Abdaly / Al Mutla`a

Friday, November 28, 2008
Ya 7lat elhnood wullah...W to V!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Closing StarBucks!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
And Ducati 999, the little baby!

Monday, October 20, 2008
The Harley Davidson Chick
Monday, October 13, 2008
Speed cameras

I hate the speed cameras, they are evil, created to steal our grocery money, and our freedom, and they only work on us..the good people, but if you have was6a, or break the will not end up to be one of its victims..
Starting from this week, they are changing the directions for most of the cameras in kuwait, specially the ones on the kings fahad road, now they get to catch the license plate numbers from the back, its like they are short with money in the traffic departments, poor edarat elmoroor mesaakeen, lets give them our jam3eyya money....
We used to speed a little, us the bikers..cuz we dont have a license plate infront of ther bike, but now..we cant, damn it, its a f#&king conspiracy man...
Any ways, my friend bikers everywhere in this country, watch out and slow down...specially on the kings fahad road!!
Kella Met2a5er

Thursday, September 25, 2008
مابي أعيد =/

Sunday, September 21, 2008
We headed to north of Kuwait and arrived around 4.45am...the weather was amazing, and there was a couple of eagles and other birds, I still can't remember their names yet, LoL
It was fun, until started to get hot, and boring a little, plus I had some stuff to finish in the city, and I've been told that we were gonna finish around 8.30 or 9.00..but I didn't want to mess up there 6al3a, so we stayed longer, around 9.00 I lost the excitement, and I started to get sleepy, thirsty and so freakin BORED, and we didn't catch that much, So me and my brother 7alafna that this will be our last time to come, unless we come in my truck next time, so we can leave whenever we want. A5555 it got so stupid and mlaqa, and definitely it wasn't a good idea to do that in Ramadan...Gosh, I was so thirsty, and what killed me more was when we stopped to give the birds water, Cuz Mr and Mrs birdies are wulla 7elwa hathy, lesh ma y9oomoon....a55555 it was devastating.
Any ways, after 10.00am we left the place, my luck I was with my older cousin, he is a beards and eagles addict, so they decided to go to soog el9goor to change the damn mask for his bird, to hell if I care man, I just want to go home...Damn
It was fun, but not worth should be in a colder time...that's all, now enjoy the pics =D

I never thought that we have chethee belkuwait!!

5orfan in the middle of no where...
This is my cousin holding this Big dumb bird, after he busted his thumb, and made a hole in my other cousins head, LooooL.... stupid bird got really sharp beak xD
Friday, September 19, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
I lost my voice!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
NoNoWa`s nonsense..simply gone =(

She feels no need for blogging any more, first..because of the responsibilties she has, which are a lot more important for her than her wasting her time to write for anonymous people when she cud be spending time with her kids and me, and second and most important, because of the new people, and their attitudes that have ruined the blogging world recently, no manners, and absolutely no consideration what so ever.
She appreciates the friends she made from this place, there are two girls that have a place in her heart, the ones she met, you girls know who you are, you are already in her MSN, so she is still there for you =)

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Preppy Biker!

Saturday, August 30, 2008
KaReeM رمضان
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
For Girls Only..!

Saturday, August 23, 2008
It sucks..I need an Ax!

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Time is Approaching

Im counting the days, I cant wait to start the group rides...and this year will be better, cuz I got the king of all bikes, the great "GoldWing"..
Plus, my brother got a new bike, my cousin too, and Im in the process of corrupting the rest of my cousins and pull their legs into it, new peeps, and new group, and I still have my biker buddies too..I just cant wait, it will be awesome!
p.s: Amu, you are in dude

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Just wait for the second one....
I dont even know what to name this post!! Do you...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Need a gun in indian movie?..Naaaaah
البطل شاف جنبه اغلفة رصاصات طايحه على الارض, طبعا حطتهم عالأرض لها معنى, ماكو شي يطوف المخرج الهندي المبدع

طبعا الاغلفه حركت عقله مو السمبوسه و الجباتي وجاته فكره ......... قط نفسه على شان يوصل لها, هالعقل اللي على البطل شغال و لاحظوا ان البكس ما يفج من ايده
طبعا القنبلة .... وهذي اول قنبله من نوعها بالعالم .... القنبله هذي لها دقمه تشغيل دقمه اطفاء ... يعني السالفه سهالات, مو متعبين روحهم مثل الافلام الامريكيه, البطل ما عنده وكت يفكر اي واير يقص و يصبصب عرق و يتذكر بنته, بعدين المحل اللي بسوق الوطيه مخلصه وايراته الحمر, ماكو الا ازرق
اذكركم احنا هني بفلم هندي

واخيرا مسك الرصاصه طبعا الارض وايد نظيفه, المقطع هذا شككني بنية البطل, انا اقول ان مو بس اخذ الرصاصه, باس الأرض عشان المشاهدات شوي يستانسون, يعني اغراء على الطريقه الهنديه, جيكواالشفه التحتانيه شلون خامه الأرض, حدها سكس اللقطه اذا شفتوها من منظور هندي
شوفوا بس شلون يركزالبطل والتركيز ذاااااابحه, اهنيه اضطر المخرج يضيف شوية عرق و ينزل الخصله, عشان تتماشى مع تسكيرة الشفايف على الرصاصه, طبها البنات الحين يتمنون ان اهم الرصاصه
طبعا بطريقة هندية بحته واسلوب الافلام الهنديه غلاف الرصاصه يطيييييييييير كانه رصاصه
ويصوبه على الدقمه الخضره و تطفي القنبله , حركاااااات..

شي عجيييييب ..
واخيرا (راجو ) اقصد البطل الخارق حل الأزمة ..
الغريب في الحركة .. ان القنبلة بقي لها ثانية واحدة وتنفجر ..
بس لحق عليها في اللحظة الأخيرة فيلم هندي ..
اكشن صح هههههههه :)
شوفوا الصورة المتحركة للأكشن
البنات رجاءا, مسكوا نفسكم شوي, ادري اللقطه حدها إغراء
السؤال اللي يسدح نفسه, منو هالممثل؟ و شنو اسم الفلم؟ و شنو صار عقب ما طفت القنبله؟
أنا اتوقع الجواب حق السؤال الثالث, ان عقب ما طفت القنبله و طاحت الرصاصه عالأرض, واحد من افراد العصابه سمع صوت الرصاصه ترن عالأرض, رجع..شال البطل مع الكرسي و عدله, لقط الرصاصات اللي طايحه عالأرض و حطهم بمخباته, رد وقت المنبه القنبله, طق الدقمه الحمره و راح
بس قبل لا يروح قال حق البطل: مره ساني انته ما يسير شيتان واجد, مره ساني انته يتيييه انا ما يجي يشيل مال انته, همار انته ولاه ماكو مككك