July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Friday, September 19, 2008



Anonymous said...

5er enshallah? :D

Big Pearls said...

sheno 9ayer ba3ad?

Anonymous said...

Ha??? oh and im unblocked now

Aurous said...

ana m`9ay3a!

Seattle dude said...

Your time is spent on your bike i bet, btw im trying to spot you riding that thing on gulf street

kella met2a5er said...

Nothing, I just felt like posting, and there was nothing but blank in my mind, LoooooL

Thats all!

Big pearl:
Elly 9ayir enny I wanted to post, o elsalfa blank fe rasy!!!!

Ha??? la nothing..bas I was just blanking around!! Good news =)

La mo mthy3a, le2ana elpost mala mawthoo3 asasan!! ;p

Seatle dude:
Not yet, only twice a week these days....

Nah you will not see me, I dont ride on gulf street that much, I head to south twice every week..you might catch me there ;p

Smart-y said...

" "
" "

^ blank!!! mu bs enta!! :D

kella met2a5er said...

Im telling you!