July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Monday, July 23, 2007


Guys, I think she is pregnant =D

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Missy`s customized bike by KM customs

This post is dedicated to missy..
Since you cant ride a bicycle, I found the perfect one for you, LoL ;p

-This bicycle is equipped with 42 wheels, 20 on each side for extra safety.
-Candy red powder coated paint.
-Airfly cushioned seat with adjustable height.
-Sticky foot pedals for high speed.
-One speed gear.
-Chrome rims.
-Killer sound system "eljaras" so people will recognize you from a far distance.
-American vintage white wall tires.
-Classic handle bars with finger grips included.
-High tech braking system "throwing hands in air, screaming till you hit a tree or something solid"
-Air Bag not included in this model
-Helmet is highly recommended.
Enjoy ;p

Monday, July 9, 2007

5osh Stuff Happened..

Well, fe cham sha`3la weddy agolha and you are gonna read it coz you have to..

1. Today is Hussoonies B-day, and he turned 5 this evening 8.45 pm, we took him to the toys shops to choose his gift..and there you go baby, check out what ma boy got, a CHOPPER bicycle, a55..9ej weldy, makes me proud =) ..enjoy the pics..

Tekfa, just check the look on his face, I wonder from where he got it ;p...

Nice tires ha..I think they are "121/2x 3.0"

Now the next pic, he asked me to do it in this way, wullah weldy photogenic,LoL

2.Yesterday, me and NoNoWa went to the chalet, we banana boated..it wasn`t her first time, but for me it was, I was nervous..but when we started I kept telling them to increase the speed, 9ara7a..ana 3ajabtny wullah, I think being on the bike made me a dare devil,aint nothin baby..

p.s: Ba3th elnas 5afo, although that they were 5ebra, hehe

yeah, since Im a professional swimmer, gelt batfalsaf infront of nonowa, so on the way back, I threw my self from the boat "malat 3alay..ya3ny 9ej" and my feet..for some reason..didnt touch the bottom, It was fun..NoNoWa told me how my face looked =/

3.Tanning is cool, specially elgar3a, Sexy ana wulla ;p

4.Since there is a lot of girls around, more then the guys, NoNowa always on alert..you know, being jealous about me, wullah I love it when she is..ya7leelha, and she is not shy to say something to them if she has to, hehe..3ala rasy wulla Om 7sain.

5.My brother passed the martial art crucial test last saturday, and he got the second level "yellow belt", damn..the sensi la3an 5ayra..but he did GooD, he made me proud wulla, 7beeby a5oy..I really felt like I wana kick there @sse$ the guy elly fought with him, bas bayyath`ha 9ra7a..zain menna seven guys around him at the same time, its a big deal.

6.Last week I made me a hat, I wrote on it "married with kids" from infront..and "what the hell are you lookin at" from the back, so peeps will stop flirting..for real!! =$
As a matter of fact, Im wearing it now.

7.Last wednesday I bought a boxing bag, in a human form, massooka hates it, since then, her feet havent touched the floor in the house, actually nobody liked it, accept Hussoon..they all said it looks freaky..we called it "BoB The Boxer", NoNoWA thinks we should call it "Scotty the scum bag".
p.s: I dont know why, but Massooka being so polite halyoamen..mwahahaaa ;p

8.One of NoNoWa`s friends, we could say a family friend too coz she is friend and sister as well for me, is travelling to Holland soon and getting married, the good thing is that their wedding will be mixed..finally, civilized wedding where no body acting crazy.
9.They finally fixed the water in our house, Hello0o0 cold baths baby ;p
Thats that..

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ana tagged, double tagged baby..

Tagged by Elijah & Peony

1. Last movie you saw in a theater?

88 min, Al Pacino..mynooon 9ra7a, but then NoNoWA told me not last movie o bas, so last movie in the theater was dead silence, NoNoWA loved it.

2. What book are you reading?

Can’t say..its interesting book though

3. Favorite board game?

The game of life..I like twister If you can consider the directions board a board

4.Favorite magazine?

Not a majalla guy..I read anything, if Im in the “relaxing room”..get it.

5. Favorite smell?

Burned tires mixed with engine smells in winter after spinning wheels, also sand and rain and lavender.

6. Favorite food?

Everything new, I like to try new food all the time, and Kuwaiti food 6ab3an, INDIAN food, spicy.

7. Favorite sound?

Roaring engines, my bike, my brother’s brand new mustang with ford racing exhaust system..

8. Worst feeling in the world?

Regret..knowing that Im making somebody worried about me all the time.

9. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?

Why the hell did I set the alarm that early, why do we have to work in the morning..Damn the bed feels so GooD.

10. Favorite fast food place?

BK, Hardeez

11. Future child’s name?

Well, we have hussoon and masooka, and since I want another boy, I want Solaiman, we didn’t really think about the girl name yet

12. Finish this statement. If I had a lot of money:

I wouldn’t be sitting here writing posts 7agkom, mako sh`3el!!

13.Do you drive fast?

Ana, laaaa kelesh never, ana asog fast la, ana aro7 eldwam bdoon la adoos the pedal, a5ally the car tesra7 3ala ra7atha lema o9al, ask NoNoWa, she will tell you.

14. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Yalla..yalla ro7aw, shalso2al hatha, ayshy =/, ana o stuffed anim.. where ga3deen??

15. Storms cool or scary?

Wulla I never seen or been in one

16. What was your first car?

Camaro Z28 1995 “Monster2”, I wish I never sold that bad a$$.

17. Favorite drink?


18. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would…”:

I never had enough time, Im Kella Met2a5er!!

19. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?

Akel aboha ba3ad, baby I eat all..

20. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?

Sheno hatha, 6naza ya3ny, are you making fun or what, Im agra3 since 1998, ma a3arf ya3ny sheno sha3ar wela brush, I know shavers and razors..

elmesh6 etha shaf rasy yeth7ak o yegol: Ehhh..tathker ayyam gabol!!

21. Name all the different cities/ towns you have lived in?

Hehe..ee ok momoshkela!!
man6eqat Rumaitheyya elta3lemeyya, nady 9oba7 elsalim el9a7y, salwa test drive zone, rally south sura, madeenat elsalmeyya eltarfeeheyya..and now el3a9ma baby.

22. Half empty or half full?

Belno9, right in the middle

23. Favorite sports to watch?

Martial arts, women beach vollyball ;p LoooL..that was a joke ok NoNoWA,hehe

24. Did you notice that there was no Question 24?

Did you? Ha ha did you??????? Any one, elijah, peony??

25. Morning person, or night owl?

Night owl o ana ath7ak, I don’t like to sleep early.

26. Over easy, or sunny side-up?

Sunny side up and juicy, but cant now coz of bird flu

27. Favorite place to relax?

Im gona say what a really wise women said once, BATHROOM..9a7 elijah wela la2?!!

28. Favorite pie?

Strawberry pie, for some personal reason ;p

DO I have to tag others?

Nah, not really..elmohem ana tagged

Eshraykoom fe my pic up, shakly cool ha??