Tagged by Elijah & Peony
1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
88 min, Al Pacino..mynooon 9ra7a, but then NoNoWA told me not last movie o bas, so last movie in the theater was dead silence, NoNoWA loved it.
2. What book are you reading?
Can’t say..its interesting book though
3. Favorite board game?
The game of life..I like twister If you can consider the directions board a board
4.Favorite magazine?
Not a majalla guy..I read anything, if Im in the “relaxing room”..get it.
5. Favorite smell?
Burned tires mixed with engine smells in winter after spinning wheels, also sand and rain and lavender.
6. Favorite food?
Everything new, I like to try new food all the time, and Kuwaiti food 6ab3an, INDIAN food, spicy.
7. Favorite sound?
Roaring engines, my bike, my brother’s brand new mustang with ford racing exhaust system..
8. Worst feeling in the world?
Regret..knowing that Im making somebody worried about me all the time.
9. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Why the hell did I set the alarm that early, why do we have to work in the morning..Damn the bed feels so GooD.
10. Favorite fast food place?
BK, Hardeez
11. Future child’s name?
Well, we have hussoon and masooka, and since I want another boy, I want Solaiman, we didn’t really think about the girl name yet
12. Finish this statement. If I had a lot of money:
I wouldn’t be sitting here writing posts 7agkom, mako sh`3el!!
13.Do you drive fast?
Ana, laaaa kelesh never, ana asog fast la, ana aro7 eldwam bdoon la adoos the pedal, a5ally the car tesra7 3ala ra7atha lema o9al, ask NoNoWa, she will tell you.
14. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Yalla..yalla ro7aw, shalso2al hatha, ayshy =/, ana o stuffed anim.. where ga3deen??
15. Storms cool or scary?
Wulla I never seen or been in one
16. What was your first car?
Camaro Z28 1995 “Monster2”, I wish I never sold that bad a$$.
17. Favorite drink?
18. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would…”:
I never had enough time, Im Kella Met2a5er!!
19. Do you eat the stems on broccoli?
Akel aboha ba3ad, baby I eat all..
20. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
Sheno hatha, 6naza ya3ny, are you making fun or what, Im agra3 since 1998, ma a3arf ya3ny sheno sha3ar wela brush, I know shavers and razors..
elmesh6 etha shaf rasy yeth7ak o yegol: Ehhh..tathker ayyam gabol!!
21. Name all the different cities/ towns you have lived in?
Hehe..ee ok momoshkela!!
man6eqat Rumaitheyya elta3lemeyya, nady 9oba7 elsalim el9a7y, salwa test drive zone, rally south sura, madeenat elsalmeyya eltarfeeheyya..and now el3a9ma baby.
22. Half empty or half full?
Belno9, right in the middle
23. Favorite sports to watch?
Martial arts, women beach vollyball ;p LoooL..that was a joke ok NoNoWA,hehe
24. Did you notice that there was no Question 24?
Did you? Ha ha did you??????? Any one, elijah, peony??
25. Morning person, or night owl?
Night owl o ana ath7ak, I don’t like to sleep early.
26. Over easy, or sunny side-up?
Sunny side up and juicy, but cant now coz of bird flu
27. Favorite place to relax?
Im gona say what a really wise women said once, BATHROOM..9a7 elijah wela la2?!!
28. Favorite pie?
Strawberry pie, for some personal reason ;p
DO I have to tag others?
Nah, not really..elmohem ana tagged
Eshraykoom fe my pic up, shakly cool ha??
Finally, I thought u were ignoring me!
2. What's the book , now we're curious!
LOOL @ stuffed animal
I didn't notice the missing 24 :(
YAAAAY I'm a wise woman :) I'm telling y, if people thought about it, they would say the same thing but they're not as smart as we are :P
"4.Favorite magazine?
Not a majalla guy..I read anything, if Im in the “relaxing room”..get it."
Lazim.. LAAZIM.. KM cannot write a post w/o referring to bathroom stuff !
Question #24 wasnt there when i copied it from Enigma ;p... oo N. istaw3ab ;p
LMAO @ tethker ayyam gabol!
La wulla, I didnt ignore you..dont worry.
Cant say, qaweyya shwayya ;p
E wulla they are not smart as we are, and you warathty elthaka2 menny..9a7 ;p
Its just funny, I dont mean to write about halsowalef..a6la3at m3ay like that shasawy?? =D
Im glad you liked it..but its true, I didnt use the brush for years on my head..
LOOOOOOL! @ #19 & #20
yeah, i knw.. thats why ma tigdar inik ma iyeeb 6aree hal siwaliff..
you're wired this way
agoool km
so im in kuwait
when r u giving me ur bike?
bike aby b3d ana :P
my god your funny :P
ahm shy question 24 LOL !
yeah dude, 20 9ra7a 6al3a min galb, LoL.
hehe, 7elwa wired..bas t3aly 9ehj eshqa9dech????? ;)
afa 3aleaich, 5la9 awagfa in the bikers parkings in almarina and I will hide the keys ta7t elkeshen, b3d eshtabeen =)
p.s: leave your civil ID and 150KD insurance..and plz bring it back in ONE piece ;p
navy girl:
Wulla ana ra7 a5ally the bike ma3a eshda3wa 3ad etfahemo inti, meno tardef elthanya, LoL
Thanx, Im glad you liked it..
Q24..9ra7a inba66at chabdy, kel ma agra tag naseena, 7atta yours..so I had to make one up, it was good one though, ha ;p
ee wala tawny ashoof !! @@ !!!
you wouldnt be KM w/o bathroom stuff.. just like i wouldnt be peony if i wasnt a drama queen..
i think you're analyzing this too much ;p
navy girl:
Shifty shloon :)
Mo 5osh reputation!!
KM mawatny min el thi7ik 3ala #20!
hehe, you are welcome..I try =D
Hey boo!! Sorry its taken me so long, but here I am---ok wait actually I have a class now, but I will come back and comment in a bit!! :* Luv ya! Sorry.....duty calls!
=* right back at ya baby..wuv ya II
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