July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I lost my voice!

NO really, I really lost my voice... really cant talk!!

And if I do talk, I cant even take my self serious, Bcuz of the stupid little whistle sounds I make!!
Any Advice...how can I fix that?


Someday said...

enshallah b3d el fo6or eat a spoonful of honey ow ma fyk enshallah ela el 3afyah!

Seattle dude said...

vocal rest, drink lots of fluids.

try not to whisper, it actually strains your vocal chords.

Aurous said...

drink lots warm of fluids.. and eat some honey :)

Anonymous said...

Hot drinks!

Smart-y said...

salamat ma tshof shar!!
raye7 w 5alek 3ala el sawa2el el dafya! w el 3asal tra zain b3d :)

w 7awel etekalam wayd! 3ad mn shnu?

Smart-y said...

^ opps 3ad badleya!
i mean: 7awel "MA" etekalam wayd!

Gee™ said...

may dafi o 3asal ;p

Jacqui said...

Vocal rest, true vocal rest as they said before me. And lots of rest and fluids.

I got hit by the same thing last year, acute laryngitis, the doctor prescribed it, I got some meds and a shot and it lasted a week almost.

It's hard not to talk, and hard not to laugh at your ownself, hell everyone around me was laughing at my squeaks.

Big Pearls said...

rest, rest, and rest.

NoNoWa said...

Habibyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I hope u feel better soon...dont worry i will make u some tea baby...promise :)

U do sound really cute when u whisper and it makes me whisper too..i dont know why..LOL :)

Get well soon hubby :)

Navy Girl said...

oops happened to me once ! for a whole day :/

i know what does it feel like it!!

papa 3ood try drinking somehting hot .. ooo maybe you can check it out with a real doctor :D

Salamat matshooof shr inshala papa 3oooood ;P

Anonymous said...

slamat !

Shwaish said...

umm i think just stop talking, drink lots or warm liquids

Ms Loala said...

Chicken soup will do the job perfectly!

Matshof shar.

Sh7afana said...

drink tea with honey and lemon.. that did wonders for me

Anonymous said...

Sallamat :) hope your voice comes back sooon ;p

Anonymous said...

Ginger tea with honey, black pepper, cloves and lemon :D

and nonowa!!!!! come back i thought i wud be reasonable and let u do ur own thing until i read ur comments on this post again i miissssss uuuuuuuuu


kella met2a5er said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kella met2a5er said...

Im glad you commented baby, its nice to see the pink butter fly in the middle of the comments again =)

Your blog is Locked wise woman!! =/

Thanx for the advices, you`ve been really helpfull, I retain my voice back el7emdilla, its still sound a little funny, but al least I can talk methil elawadim =D


Anonymous said...


im experimenting, will remove block

Anonymous said...

salamaaaaaaaaaat!!! gafshast 3asal oo shay 7aar... oo i think marameeya oo chay ni3naa3 night help;p

Slowly Fading Away said...

Hope you feel better soon. Some warm drinks always help :) But mainly just rest your voice. I am sure your wife will be happy about that! LOL

marshmallows said...

shof tbeee n9eee7tii o eln9ee7a eb alf jamaal shof alla yslmk

ro7 els67 o gol abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 9ooooooooooooooooooootttttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

o 3gbha eb 5 min berd eb2thn ella

kella met2a5er said...

GooD..Thanx =)

Thanx for the advice..el7emdilla I got my voice back =)

Slowly fading away:
I did drink warm stuff, and my wife got her hedoo2 time when I lost my voice, now my voice back el7emdilla..and I dont think she minds to hear my voice again, LoooL ;p

Thanx =)

7emdilla welshekir, enty min 9ejjich wella el9yam athar feech, LoooooooooL

Thanx but thanx..I got my voice back ;p

3anooda said...

sheeshat ni3na3 and a lot or chay ma'3ribi. drink ashya dafya 3ashan ysalik lik il paypat maltik