July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Harley Davidson Chick

It`s just can`t get cooler than that..LoL xD


Navy Girl said...

laaa ooo shoooof elsukll b3d :D


Navy Girl said...

YAY FIRST COMMENT ! didnt win that since i become a lazy blogger 3ala golat amuoo :P

Gee™ said...

hathi ra7 tamshi 3la darb el hacha3 ;p

PaLoMiNo said...

LOOOOL 3ajeba ;p

Anonymous said...

allaaaaaaaaaaah!!! katkoota mu nage9'ha ela Cigar LOOL

kella met2a5er said...

Navy girl:
Which skull you mean? the one on the tank or the one on her shoulder!! LoL

Mabrook, and you are not more lazy than me!! xD

*Darabakak dubak*..kasoor sounds

LoL xD

Tell me about it..LoL

kella met2a5er said...

Hathy jedir na5y eshwayya 3aleiha!!

Shayouma said...

والله زين تسوي يحليلها!

kella met2a5er said...

LooooooooooL, you think you are gonna do that on e day in this age ya3ny?? xD

Navy Girl said...

on her shoulder ? cant see it ? :D

Shayouma said...

looooool maskeen shino tsawwi ya3ni she has to manage.. and by the way I did ride bikes in my teens, in summer campsin England lol I truly enjoyed it .. Wonder if i can do it now hmmm. Can lend me yours to check if I still can ? :P.. but I can not gurantee you get it back in good condition though lol

kella met2a5er said...

Navy girl:
LoL xD

Hehe..la wulla, well..you can say that I got three bikes now, tourer (Goldwing) cruiser (VTX1300) and sport (Ducati 999)....so which one you think I will give up...hmmmmmm NON!

LoL ;p

Lulwa said...


how did u get her on the bike !
hehehe , it cracks me up

kella met2a5er said...

Seriously, you are serious!!!?? you really thought I put this woman on my bike???

First..that is a sakka bike!!

Second..that is one ugly m3eadeyya woman..

Third..I live in kuwait not iraq??

Fourth..we have a clothes dryer, we dont need to hang elmalabis out side, sha5bary..

fifth..You can find this pic all over the net!!

Welcome to my blog =)