July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Is it just me..or??

Everybody knows TSC service "just ask" ha? nice service, very creative of them God bless them, but any body noticed the logo of this thing, looks good..but is it just me..or does it really look like they wrote (organic splash of hot chocolate fondue-eshal bel3araby)??!!!

إسهال..منتجات العالم بين يديك
No, thanx..I dont want it
It does looks like that..they should change it, dont you think? ;p LooL


eshda3wa said...



yallah KM saw my TAAAAAG!

Peony said...

b4 la akamil il post, 7asayt ra7 it3aliq 3ala il "is'haal" looool..

oo wt is it with you oo chocolate ?

Anonymous said...


malat 3alihum...3ala asas creative yuba

khob shelaw al triangle and put it somewhere else

mashallah 3alik da8ee8 almola7atha :P

shoosha said...

hahaha funny
es-haal 3ad :P i thought es2al had an alef in the middle faa 7asaitik im5aref oo that the triangle side represented that alef but after checking my arabic spelling again 6ala3t ana il im5arfa :p

Anonymous said...


gabel la agra elpost fehamt men el9oraaaaah ;)

adri ya3ni ma lego '3air hal she3ar

kella met2a5er said...

lesh wee3, ohma katbeenha like that ana maly sh`3el!!

about the tag, Inshalla 3ammety..3ala hal5ashem.

wullah enty fahmatny..

about the the chocolate, same color..you know ;)

E wullah, malet 3alehom 3alagoltech..creative my "6ooo6"

yeah ana 67een, thanx :)

yeah funny..thier logo ye5aly elwa7ed mo bas ye5aref..ella ye7osha alzheimer`s..LoL

dude adry, salfathom kelesh mo 7abeeba, trianglehom 5ayes nafs elly msaweeh..

Missy said...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA :D i needed a good laugh! thankxx kM :P

kella met2a5er said...

you are welcome..I try,Im glad it made you laugh :)

EniGma said...

hahahHAHAHAHA!!!!!! wai3!!!

NoNoWa said...

LOOOOL- oh the way your mind works KM is a an unknown mystery!!!! :)

But I see "Eshal" too- I must admit- :P

Mashallah u do notice alot of detail- hey wait a minute- that cud be dangerous, now your makin me wonder what else u notice ya shay6an!!!
*eyebrows scrunched down and thinking really hard*

Elijah said...

I think only someone with a mind like yours would think that :P

Damn it! Now I'll have to see is'hal instead of is2al!

kella met2a5er said...


lesh, eshfee my mind..myind ya7lela tara, hehe

yes, I notice alot of things..mwahahaHAHAAA3ha333aa3 *nasty cough* :)

walleeeeeh, eshfeekom 3ala mindy..yomken my eyes more advanced thatn normal people..hehe

haha, you are welcome ELIJAAAHHH77

Ms Loala said...

omg how does your mind work? :p
looooooool! it didn't cross my mind!

Anonymous said...

get over the es'haaal and post something new!

kella met2a5er said...

ms loala:
up side down!! LoL

inshallah 3ametty enigma!!
bs ensy I dont want to "get over" the eshal..mako sh`3el!!

Peony said...

chinna its time for a new post ?

Sara said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL ee walla "es-haal" alla yhadahom! esh-hal headline!! ma legaw '3airaa @@

kella met2a5er said...

Tell me about it, 9ra7a 7eel wath7a..but yalla, nothing better than free laugh on wheels!!

MacaholiQ8 said...

LMAO! It sure does look like Es-hal!!! Very much non-creative.

kella met2a5er said...

The Criticizer:
Tell me about it..