July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Pimp (!N) my OVEN !!?? 9ej.. Ahbal !!

I saw this pic in alseyassah news paper, couldn`t help it not to laugh..this hindy madry banghali men5ash in the oven (kaaaaaaaaaaaaaak min galb) min the police( la gada3, na9e7..7ada 9ayed el7araka)..ballah nezal `3athab allah feeh o shab, mo chan ye9eer pimp mashwy..(new sandwich min Nathans) ma3a elfelfel ela5thar o elbo9al.....aaaaa33333

He is a pimp from jeleeb elsheyoo5..with 21 prostitutes..hehe gal3athom el5ayseen..LoL


eshda3wa said...

loool aham shay 7ajeboohm kilhum

oo bafham el camra guy was in on the raid?
wela radooh bel oven just for the picture?!

allah ykhishum inshallah 3ala w9akhathum oo qatharathum

Shoush said...

5osh prostitues mo7tashamat. ;P

Eshda3wa: ilthahir he got stuck in there! :P

3ad firiiiiin??? Ako a7ad 9a7i yin5ash ib firin?? Ballah someone decided to pre-heat the oven before sticking something in there to cook, that would be.. no comment!

Shoush said...


NoNoWa said...

9ej banghali!!!!
He couldnt find any other place to crawl into to??

Chan zain I could have seen the policemans face when he found him in there!!

I bet that lil Benghali kept pep talking himself too- "I am a roasted chicken, I am a roasted chicken, they wont notice..."

And all those prostitutes look just like any other maid in this country- dont they? U never know when u cud be bringing someone so dirty into ur home- and thats why we dont have one and will probably not .....until I know for sure about her background and so on.... Imagine someone like that takin care of your kids?? And I hate to bust your bubble but over 90 percent of them that work in various schools around Kuwait - ARE PROSTITUTES!!!! And they take our lil ones to the bathroom and so on..its just an outrage to think that govt and private schools stoop so low just becuz its cheap labor!!!
They are just sooo ickhy!!!

K- I went off a bit but - get used to it :O

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOOL! 3ala elhindi

ahm shay enhom labseen 7jabat :D

Missy said...

no pasta here :(!!
lmao@the hindi! 9ij 9ij enaa hidnii.. o b3en shaaay el pose lol :P

how come da3ara o wearing 7ejab? :P

Missy-TheOriginal said...

What a genius! I think this is a famous tactic! I read about a woman from the same region who wanted to travel but she didn't have a visa or something so she hid herself in a suitcase- the jamarik in the airport found her in the X-RAY machine... man those people are so flexible! hehe

Elijah said...

This is sad guys, not funny. Seriously, imagine what their lives are like that they became prostitutes.

Ok hiding in the oven is pretty dumb but what else could he do in the heat of being caught lol.

Peony said...

i5li9at il amakin min 5aash bl firin ?? he gets points for being creative !

kella met2a5er said...

I know, shako met7ajbat???
shakla eloven mal 7ares elma5far. and mfabriceenha just to spice it..

tadreen fehalmehna lazem ele7tesham, elseter mohem for them,LoL!!
OK, would be what?hehe, why no comment?

((I bet that lil Benghali kept pep talking himself too- "I am a roasted chicken, I am a roasted chicken, they wont notice...")) kaaaaaaaaak..LooooL..I thought about the same thing..bas not in english..hehe.
tell me about it..I know, most of this kind of people take it as a second job..they could be making your tea or bringing you a cup of water..and you never know how dirty their hands could be..and e5thy ra7tech NoNo.. =)

hehe..Im tellin you dude..tadry 7jab, ya3ny waseelat e`3ra2..LooL

La yoba, 5al9na men elpasta..hehe
yeah I know, nice pose..rebyana style..
el7jab mohem..lezoom elsho`3l..haha

LooooooL, that would be 3jeeeb, Imagine the police men when they saw a skeleton inside the siutcase through the X-ray thingy..metkawda, hahaaaaaaa..cool
I dont think they are flexible..they are 5bool!!

Ok, I might agree with you about some of them, their life could be Horrible, but that is not a reason for them to put them self that low..I know lots of them try to find or create someway to make mony..washin cars, selling Vegetable ..etc
but come on elijah..the pic are pricless,LoL.

I know, he should get points..hehe
tekfa chayky eshloon emsaned rasa 3ala thra3a, o mensede7 chenna rebyana..mrayeeeeee7 9a7ebnaa 7adda..LoL.

Elijah said...

The picture is funny?? I guess it depends on who's looking at them lol, ya3ni I don't think the man and those women think it is.

Sorry to ruin ur moment, but I watched programs about how 12-13 year olds prostitute themselves to get medicine for their mothers and it broke my heart, so I wonder what the stories behind these women are.

Oh and who took that pic of him in the oven, very cruel guy hahaa

Omtantoo7 said...

7isbi allah 3alaihom! ewwwww! LOOL oven!!! ya3ala il 7arga!

Anonymous said...

they probably became prisitutes bcz their employers yreared them worse than slaves and beat them up.. not feeling very humurous, sorry

kella met2a5er said...

" watched programs about how 12-13 year olds prostitute themselves to get medicine for their mothers"

that would break my heart too, but Im sure the program you watched..wasn`t about prostitution in kuwait..hathela elly in the pic kel wa7da wa9l her age to 40 wela 50..and they do that mostly as a second job..

ee wulla ya aw5ayty..ya3lla el7arga..goly ameen!!LoL

Ok, the women became like that, me5alef mesakeen..halathwal shemga3da in the oven?!!

Elijah said...

Ya but the ones here probably have their reasons too.

They have jobs but how much do they get paid? Are their sponsors forcing them? Do they have children? Did they start at a very early age and now they can't get out? If they did why did they? How many women can go out in the streets and sell stuff? If they do will they get enough out of it?
I'm not with them but I can't judge people cuz simply I haven't been in their shoes, al7madllah.

Everyone does something for a reason.

Now enough seriousness cuz this is a much bigger problem than us, poverty is endless.

What's cooking? other than that Indian guy :)

Anonymous said...

and the fat one is used for what exactly