July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Tagged by NoNoWa & Amu =p

**I will always wear: Boxers & bracelet...."in the house!!" Linens and bermuda shorts outdoor**
**I will never wear: Pink...never ever, I would never do it**
**My bad-clothes-day advice: Who cares..Im dude**
**I Know I look great when: Beside that Im the kind of husband who takes his wife`s opinion, I always do, cuz Im just so cool and dandy baby**
**Smart travel tip:Light bags, you are not immigrating!!**
**To me summer means:Having cold showers, No riding on the day..only night rides ;p**
** I tag...... Who ever wanna be tagged, feel free to say KM tagged me!!**


5roofa said...

looool 5alty taged me this tag


bs a7es ma adry sheno akteb

im so picky with the way i dress lool

3amyyyyyyy i finally did ur tag loool

fage3 fage3 6ala3 bel tag

salamz 3amy./ friendii....

kella met2a5er said...

LooooooooooL at fagi3..yalqadeeema, LMAO xD

Yallah tmam, I thought you wouldnt do it!!

Now read my Tag..LoL

Slamaty frienda =)

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with ur travel tip....I mean esp women carry like half their cupboard when they travel....

Big Pearls said...

Nice tag:)

Amethyst said...

I agree with the travel tip!

kella met2a5er said...

Tell me about it dude =)

Big pearl:
Nice comment ;p

I agree that you agreed ;p

Balqees said...

Beside that Im the kind of husband who takes his wife`s opinion, << trying to get on nonowas good side :P
anyhoo i think en its soooo sweet u do that i like a guy who takes his wifes opinion, coz u know girls always know best :P
bs la wallah 6l3t sweet amu ma 5rabk :P

Navy Girl said...

why wouldnt you wear pink ??? looooooooool just kidding :D

kella met2a5er said...

Im always on nonowas good side, el7emdella, LOL

And yeah Im the sweetest, but dont get me angry or upset..a9eeer mleeeq, even I feel it, LoL ;p

Me pink...la yoba mako she`3il ??!!!??? Im not a cup cake!!

Navy Girl said...

looooooooool ahm shy cup cake .. allah aby cupcakeaa

kella met2a5er said...

navy girl:
LooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL ;p