So, since Hassooni is a little fighter by instinct, NoNoWa and I decided to enroll him in the same class I take which is Kajukenbo. Its a self defense class which includes martial art practice, street fighting techniques as well as how to use the nerve impulses of others to your advantage with some weapon work, and joint locks as well. Well...he will not learn all of this until he reaches the adult classes- at least not the killing techniques, but I will work on it :P
I took the pic above- yesterday whenever we went to enroll. He saw the sensai (not his 1st time) and he got a few chest punches and a nerve endurance test. I got my share, too, since I stopped for a while- mine was more of a punishment instead of a welcoming.
Today was his first training session and he impressed the sensai and me. El7amdillah I did good! He threw jabs very well and his kicks were accurate. He did a flip/kick combo which is a big thing for a kid of his age and his first class. I am proud! :D
The pics above and below, they were switching the punching mats. I felt really bad for the girl cuz she kept smiling at me like, "Please, stop him!" It's funny!
Here, Hussain is doing butterfly stretches. It was hilarious!! I wish I had a video just to show u the head stretches. He couldnt put his head up cuz he wanted to look at the trainer '3asub. And instead of doing head rotations like he was supposed to- he ended up "6ig erguba"!! LOL
Grabbing a drink. He made me happy by making his own way through the kids and taking care of himself, since he knows nobody there.
My Little Tiger!!!
Here, Hussain is doing butterfly stretches. It was hilarious!! I wish I had a video just to show u the head stretches. He couldnt put his head up cuz he wanted to look at the trainer '3asub. And instead of doing head rotations like he was supposed to- he ended up "6ig erguba"!! LOL
Grabbing a drink. He made me happy by making his own way through the kids and taking care of himself, since he knows nobody there.
My Little Tiger!!!
The next picture was taken in 2002. One of these sweaty men- IS ME!
Can u guess who! I will update u later and tell u all if u guessed right!
Now enjoy this video of my little tiger in action!
ماشاء الله
good for him! where is this place btw? phone number? directions?
Waaaaaaaaaaay habiby weldy!!!! He looks so adorable - I am so proud of him and yes KM u did an excellent job training him! :)
That's great.. My big son is taking karate classes here too as soon as he finishes school next week!
Organic, where do you take yoga classes?
Km, it's a great way to get him busy, zain sawait and it's fun to spend some father-son time together, Allah yekhaleeh
And I can't guess, they all look the same to me;p
alla eykhalee 7asooni esmlaa 3alyh :) oo alla ey3ena 3al tkhfikh ;p
shwy shwy 3ala ur tiger ya bo husain ;)
btw i think u r number 7 ;p
my 6th sense told me ;p
oo sj where is this place?
yaaaa naaaaasoooooooo
mashalla maaaaaaaarrah cute allah y7fthlkom howa
btw i always a6eg r gabh whenever i'm atthe gymo fee streching o 5rbee6 :P lol
but so cute mashallah
and i think ur guy #7 :P (coz i love that num )
Awww mashalla how cute...enroll him in alot of things to see what he likes and enjoys..
Im guessing ur either 7 or 9.
he is sooo cute....when am I meeting him?
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay mashallaaaa ... everyone gooolooo MASHALAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !! :D esmella 3alleeh soo very cute !! inshalla tshooof m3rs :) oo take good care of him la yt3war ..
organic kuwait:
Just check this site:
I know I know....what to do, Im a GREAT father ;p
That is GooD, lets set a fight, LoL ;p
it not a chick dowaneyya, its KMs blog, what`s with the yoga!!!!!! aaaaaa noooo, BIG NO.
I know, he keeps sking me when it gona be the next class xD
Thanx =)
Thanx =)
LoL, yeah I know, they all hase yellow heads ha!! hehe
E wullah Allah y3eenna =)
Im careful, Im his daddy..
Well, about my guessing little game, I`ll tell you later ;p
Check this site:
LoooooooooL, hehe..allah yesalmich thanx =)
Enty ba3ad t6eggein rgoba, yallah join the clup ;p
Hmmmmm, #7....ok I`ll tell you later ;p
La2, ana abooh..o I decided to put him in martial arts...o bas xD LoL
Ay shy, la he likes martial arts the most, bas mashallah..he is multi-tallented!!
7 or 9...make your mind woman =/
LoL, Take a turn dude...stand in the line..hehe, take a number xD
navy girl:
Navy yooba, thanx alot...I like the mashallaaah 7ag a5ooch, hehe..3afya 3alla bnayty =D
Akeed Im taking care of him, but tara its a martial art class mo dance...lazim shwayya yet3awwar, part of the trianing is handling the pain..
3ad shoofy, mo keifich..take a guess yalla o 9uffy in the 6aabooor, LoL
loool smela 3aleh el ra7man el ra7eem
mashala mashalaa
alah e5aleeeeee o ya7fetha ya raaab
ya7lela my bro in law :p
yehabel lol wala lama he smiles 2 u soo cuuuuute lool
o3gbal ma twade lomy
ya labiii at5ayelaa bel lebs o edor loool
kaboooon wala 7alatom
el7en 4 ur pic mmm madry 3amy lol yemken enta # 1 lol
salamz 3amy/ friendii
Hussoon has a great smile...ya7leala,bas la tkathrien tara Sleiman y`3aar ;p
Ee akeed inshallah Dalloom ra7 yel7ag a5ooh o y9eer kajukenbo ba3ad =)
Hmmmmmm, you think Im #1....we will see, LoL
Slams ya benty frienda =_
mashallah, 3afya 3alaikoum! she6aar.
wallah I wish my little brother yer9'a yrou7!! feh fe platinum shai cthe b3d 7q el kids, 3ayazt aqolla rooo7, tyiee m3ay el nadi enta tro7 etkoufen bl awadem w ana atemaran :P ma yabee!!
w lol, i guess u're number 4! don't ask why!!!
I got number 1 by wasta..hehe
looool laa 3ad daloomy 3en el seee7:p
lool alah e5alehom lek ya rab o tefra7 fehom ma3areees
o tefra7 eb ur girls 3aroosa 2
salamz 3amyy/friendiii
heeey shenoooo papa 3oood laaa careful i dont wana him to get hurt !!! he is just a baby 3ad !!! inshalla he wont :)
oh sorry i forgot lol .. i think its 7 moooo ;P
I started fighting with Hussoon since he was 2 years old, that is why he is good at it..and he relly likes it..he cant wait for the next class =)
#4....we will see,hehe ;p
Wulla was6etik qaweyya, LoL ;p
Aham shy 3ein elsai7, LoooL
Inshallah allah yesma3 mennich inshallah =)
Thanx frienda.
navy girl:
3ad elyoum kala booxXx 3ala wayha, LoL..and he didnt cry, MY BOY =D
Ham enty ba3ad 7, leesh eshma3na????
God bless him.
alla wnasaa etha 5l9 ydrbnii etha momkn y3nii
emmmmmmm inta num 10 !!
Ee mo mishkilla..yedarbich, but you have to pay, 45 for two hours 3 times a week ;p
weeeeeeeeeee :( esmella 3aleeh .. ashwama t3war ..
and yeah i think its 7 !! i dont know why exactly .. but i kinda feel like its you ! :D
About the little game, hmmmm ten ten ten, ok..finally not seven ;p
La mashalah yet7ammal bu 3li, LoL
OK mo meshkila..7!!
I know..in the house ashoofa 6weel, but between the kids..shakla mchaknum ya7leila ;p
aaay yaaaaaaa naaaaaaaaso
omg ur son is soo cute mashalah mashalla ya nassoooooo
bs ahm shay enh ma 3ndah wagt ye6g alwald he didn't give the other kid a chance :P LOL btw was the other kid a boy wla girl 3ejzt a3ref :P
ya labii smelaa mashalaah 3alii
bs ambi le meta betkokesoon lool eftar rasi
o ele labes a9far nektaa enagez o he hops loooool
a7es ur boy mashala mashala 3alee oho el boss
o el bent ambii her hair soooooooo cute
lool alah e5alee yaa rab bs jena wayed kan 3anef ma3a el girl 3amy looool
smela 3ale el r7maan alah e5ale o ya7fetha men kel shar
salamz 3amyyyy/friendiii
mashalla 3alaih allah ya7fethah:)
He is fast mashallah, and accurate..wa7da bwa7da weldy, LoL
She is a girl...om keshaa ya7leilha =)
LoL, tara ana m9awra ebni9 eltamreen, they were doing the same thing for a longer time than the video, LoooooL
The girl..eee ya7leilha shakilha yewanis, hehe..keshat`ha 3ajeeba ;p
Hussoon 3aneef shwy cuz ana darrabta gabol, so he is used to fighting o not playing like the other kids...LooooL, my boy
Slam ya frienda bnaytyyyyyy =)
Big pearl:
Thanx...allah yesma3 mennich =)
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