شارك لبنان في المنتدى العربي الاميركي لسيدات الاعمال القياديات الذي انعقد في واشنطن اواخر شهر مايو بدعوة من وزارة الخارجية الاميركية، تعرفت خلاله 50 سيدة اعمال من الولايات المتحدة الاميركية ب 50 سيدة اعمال من عشرة بلدان عربية هي: لبنان، السعودية، الامارات العربية المتحدة، البحرين، الكويت، مصر، الاردن، فلسطين، سوريا، العراق والمغرب.وهدف المنتدى الذي كان انعقد في دورة تحضيرية في عمان خلال شهر فبراير الى:البدء بحوار بناء وعملي بعيدا عن اي منحى سياسي.
Ok I know most of you will wonder, why the hell KM writing about this Sh#t...hehe, no offence..well, Im not, I dont care about hal5arabee6..bas marrat fe sha`3lat elwa7ed yeshofha o tbo6 his liver..I saw this pic fe jaredat elqabas yesterday, and I was wondering..
*lesh ma yechaykoon 3ala their pics before they write ta3leeq 3aleha..?
*lesh yegolon 50 women in the pic, o ana legait 72 women..?
*lesh yakteboon 50 men usa and 50 from mid east, elmafrooth 100 women bas in the pic 72..?
*lesh fe 3yayez m3ahom, o age9 edy etha yadroon shessalfa..?
*lesh fe 3 men razzen their faces in the moltaqa and the pic..?
*lesh fe bnayya 9`3yroona m9awra m3ahom belne9, o hal fe laha mosharaka bemoltaqa wela omha yaybatha 7ag elbuffet..?
Tell me eshraykom?
now u left the whole point and concentrated on the pic only
to tell u the truth I have never heard about such an event...and I as I woman think its pointless
yemkin the pic is for another event....like breast cancer fundraiser...and "alqabas" decided to use it as a pic for almoltaqa lol
eshrayek fi ta7lelie :D
il7een hadayt il 5abar kila oo 6ala3t oo daqaqt ib abyaa5 tafa9eel i9oora ? walla ana ashik feek CIA ..
LOL, I think they googled a pic like we do but they never thought someone picky like u would come around haha
Soo what ur saying is there is a buffet???? LOL
Wulla I was working night sheft o mako sh`3el, so I was reading kelshy in the jareeda, and looking at every single pic in it...just to pass the time..
And I agree with you, they never use real pics..
CIA 3ad marra wa7da, allah yesma3 mennich ya m3awda..
read the reply I left for ghasheema, you will know why..
Ana picky?????? why??LOL XD
Al7eenhatha elly 5atha your attension?? NoNoWa, you wouldnt want to eat with hal2awadim, you would have a headache bfore your first legma..LoL
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!! aham shay innik ga3idlohhoom bil mirsaad =F
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