July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I`ve been tagged..by my self!!

I..Kella weld Ben Met2a5er tagged my self..I call that self curiosity, I thought I would see what I can know about my self that I didn`t already know yet..what can I discover about Kella met2a5er..

In the same time, It will give you "all of you, not just YOU" the chance to know me or Kella Met2a5er, better and closer..so, here we go...

Ten things or maybe more, about my self:
  • I'm a q8y biker, one of a kind..mako menny o 5osh 9by.

  • I have a bike, thats what I use, when I ride.

  • I think I have two eyes, equipped with eye lashes and accessorized with really noticeable eye brows.

  • I have a head.

  • I discovered that I have two hands with a complete set of fingers, including the thumbs.

  • All my organs are organized in a really artistic way, inside my stomach "Yeah I have one of those too, so eat your heart out".

  • My lungs changes size when I breath, madry lesh!!.

  • I cant walk without bending my knees, I know..bad habit.

  • My toes are not the same size.

  • When I eat. I have to move my jaw repeatedly, I suffer ( obsessive compulsive disorder ) only when I eat though.

  • I can move my ears, seriously..but they are not big, average size, 6alabeyya 5a99ah.

  • I sleep.

  • I always wake up, after I sleep.

  • And yeah, for some reason, everybody knows me Yegolonly enta mynoon..hehe adry I am.

Now I think it`s all clear..anybody would know me easily..If you see me in the street wella belshare3, or any place..la tesalmon 3ly..tara ana wa7ed 5ajool o ma a36y face..

No autographs please..thanx

Kella Ben Met2a5er


NoNoWa said...

hahaha- LooooL! I am gonna tag myself, too. So keep checkin my blog, so u can check it out!!!!
I especially like the obsessive compulsive disorder- but mine is when i talk!!! :)
Nice and original idea.

Anonymous said...

lol @ OCD

kella met2a5er said...

Well, sebagteeny..I was gona say that..for who ever may be concerned..my blog fellows, my peeps..kel elly yetlazeggon feny..hehe just kiddin..tag your self in "Kella Met2a5er" way..let us know about your disorders.

la wulla jad..ana men 9ejy..by the way its happening now..Im moving my jaw with the words Im typing..plz..help...help...help..elp..lp..p

kella met2a5er said...

mitsuki..your profile is " bX-v2vqfh "?!!


Peony said...

woooow... very informative.. now i can see you a mile away..

kella met2a5er said...

Ee..shofeny..Im waving..hi..slam

Elijah said...

LOOOL good one!! I think I saw u yesterday and today ..oh I can see u right now :D

Peony said...

i knew it !! i knew that was you !!

kella met2a5er said...

9ej..what am I doing right now?

no no..mo ana kent naym ams..sometimes I leave the house without my ears..look for me..

earless met2a5er =)


enzeen etha u knew It was me..mo 3eb ma tesalmen..6a7at eady o ana waving!!
*still waving*

Peony said...

"If you see me in the street wella belshare3, or any place..la tesalmon 3ly..tara ana wa7ed 5ajool o ma a36y face."

so tabeeni andigir ;p ?

Anonymous said...

ya7leelik wallah

you forgot to say ur always late :P

ur taking the initiative...didnt waste time waiting 4 someone to tag u...

and ur lungs expand when u breath in....I think u need to see a doctor for that :P

kella met2a5er said...

A55555,Ok..You got me..,really..LoL

I didn`t forget..ma gareteha shkoberha "the blog title" and I said " I kella weld ben met3a5er" then I signed in the end "kella ben met2a5er"..see, I said it..It takes more than one try 3shan an9ad..hehe

Yeah, didnt wait..I guess Im too good to be tagged..shasawy!!

About my lungs..forget it..el7ala may2oos menha =(

O methel ma gal elsha3er elma9ry: E7ha 3malna elly 3alena, welba2y 3ala rabona.

Spontaneousnessity said...

word of advice, don't tag yourself too much, could get addictive

Anonymous said...

umm ,, very interesting ? ;P

kella met2a5er said...

Inshallah 3amety..b3d!!?

hmmmmmmmmmm...thanx =p

eshda3wa said...

u just discovered you have two hands???

where have they been this whole time??


sara7a 9ij insight to your life

i didnt know it was possible to find all these things in one person


your a miracle

kella met2a5er said...

Don`t ask me, Im just as shocked as much as you..but happy to have them..still discovering their uses =)

And yeah Im a living miracle..Want me to bless you?

"God bless you, my dear child..!!"

*humming, with my eyes closed*



Anonymous said...

loool 5osh post

kella met2a5er said...

thanx..I try hehe

emmarat jabal shimmar" The trash can ":
hehe..hay dethwy, that was fuuuuu-NNy "seriously you cracked me up" at least you`re good for something, such a sad sad case..Im mean come on..what A LOSER, coz It showed me how much I pissed you off..LoL

Soo, you couldn`t put more comment??..Im not bored from you yet..

GooD BoY "trash can"..now fetch that..run run run..LoooL

"WhO iS yOuR DaDy!!" ;)

EniGma said...

hatha al loser ma dam he hates kuwaities so much why is he reading them daily and commenting? 7adaaaaaa mayet wida ye9eeer kuwaity bs mo 7a9el la!!! loooooooool :)))))

kella met2a5er said...

3ady..5aleeh yewaly..hehe yetlazzag fena, maskeen galba me7tereg 7adda..tadreen e7na ya7leelna o cool o nedesh elgalb bser3a..so methel ma gelty.."7adaaaaaa mayet wida ye9eeer kuwaity bs mo 7a9el la!!!"

Wulla sad case hatha eltrash can LoL.

eshda3wa said...


umbay yakser elkhaaaa6er!!




imjabel elpc 6ool elyoom yabche ya7sb roo7a shay

oo yoom shaf ma7ad imlageeh ohwa oo qelat adaba oo ghaba2a waih 3a9ab


kella met2a5er said...

hahaaaaa..tell me about it, tekfa did you see how many times he wrote me a comment and the time..he is burning...mowahahahaaa

shakly tha`3a6ta 3adeell..

It feels GooD ;D

Ms Loala said...

omg what a loser!!
7ada fathy elly yekateb million comment lol! get a life :p

@ your topic,
Wow, now i know much about you :p

eshda3wa said...


shimmiri crap

my god ur more pathatic than i imagined

la7eth kela met2a5er ena ydish ur blog ba3dain ydish my blog oo y76 nafs el comment


maskeen ela yabe we notice him

wa3alaya ... elmafrooth tabche 3ala 7alik 9ara7a ... im still praying for you

talk to a professional
call ur mama and ask her why she didnt love you enough

maybe itll give u a lil closure

maybe then ur self esteem will improve and you wont feel the need to take ur anger out on ppl you dont know thru a pc screen

poor poor boy

agooool kela met2a5er, ana 7ade imgazratha 3alaih.... kel ma ashoofa amoot min elth7ik :)))

kella met2a5er said...

ohwa men na7yat pathatic..o55 ohwa 3enda BHD feeha..

Yup..I noticed shlon ynagez men your blog to mine o men mine to yours, yakteb nafs el7achy men kether ma he is fathy o ma 3enda 7achy, wala isloob, wala sleeb b3d..fyeg3ad yeraded o ye3eed, o eldmoo3 arba3 arba3..LoL

Hatha lo ymot ma7d will notice him,ella 3ad etha marraat.. yumken marraat, If you smell ree7a 5aysa, shefty a trash can, yumken..ykoon 7ather in his soul..yejooz!!

BTW, ana mo emgazerha 3aleah, ana an6er his comment, a9eed 3aleah..hehe, o athe`36a..the7ek shwayya 3aleeh, hatha filem comedy ma3a eshwayyat tragedy..aw el3ax..LOOOL

Anonymous said...

hatha mo emarat jabal shammar

hatha nahaasha fata aljabal wel bararie wel ghefar :P

ow ma7shoom 3ana fata aljabal (the real one =D )

he is in desparate need of attention!

Anonymous said...

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