July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Do you remember..bo mirror?!


I posted before about the coolest biker in kuwait, the indian bo mirror..it was funny coz I have never seen any bike with a mirror that big..

Well..guess what?! I found one that has a bigger one, alot BIGGER than my little, cool, Indian friend..


kicked my friend on the arse , and I really don`t think that I should look for a bigger mirror ON A BIKE, this little asian guy just nailed it.

Well, thank God he is the passenger, not the driver.

"Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear" LOOOOOOOOOOOOL

ya3ny lo beyshoof his food wein wo9al fe ba6na, 3ady, all in the mirror, He could even follow his digestive process to the glorious gates of the " chocolate factory "..* squinting in disgust *

Now, my mission is complete,

over and out.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

I`ve been tagged..by my self!!

I..Kella weld Ben Met2a5er tagged my self..I call that self curiosity, I thought I would see what I can know about my self that I didn`t already know yet..what can I discover about Kella met2a5er..

In the same time, It will give you "all of you, not just YOU" the chance to know me or Kella Met2a5er, better and closer..so, here we go...

Ten things or maybe more, about my self:
  • I'm a q8y biker, one of a kind..mako menny o 5osh 9by.

  • I have a bike, thats what I use, when I ride.

  • I think I have two eyes, equipped with eye lashes and accessorized with really noticeable eye brows.

  • I have a head.

  • I discovered that I have two hands with a complete set of fingers, including the thumbs.

  • All my organs are organized in a really artistic way, inside my stomach "Yeah I have one of those too, so eat your heart out".

  • My lungs changes size when I breath, madry lesh!!.

  • I cant walk without bending my knees, I know..bad habit.

  • My toes are not the same size.

  • When I eat. I have to move my jaw repeatedly, I suffer ( obsessive compulsive disorder ) only when I eat though.

  • I can move my ears, seriously..but they are not big, average size, 6alabeyya 5a99ah.

  • I sleep.

  • I always wake up, after I sleep.

  • And yeah, for some reason, everybody knows me Yegolonly enta mynoon..hehe adry I am.

Now I think it`s all clear..anybody would know me easily..If you see me in the street wella belshare3, or any place..la tesalmon 3ly..tara ana wa7ed 5ajool o ma a36y face..

No autographs please..thanx

Kella Ben Met2a5er

Friday, April 13, 2007

شبقا يعني ..شناكل؟

الدياي انتشلوا و قعدوا..مساكين
البقر, حاشهم سل ..شلوون
السمك, مادري بعد اسهال و بعدين يردون على سالفة النفوق
الخرفان, من الصومال..(مادري بعد شفيهم بس كل ما وصلوا الكويت ردوا الشحنة) يمكن حايشهم القولون
الربيان, اكتأب و قعد
كادبوري, لا تاكلونه..من اسرائيل " ههه قدييييييييييم" صج
كراعين, فيهم فلات فوت
مخ, من سراي..كليته ولا طلع ني
سندويشة فلافل اكلها و على اخر لقمه..القى ذبانه منسدحه ريل على جنـاح بالطحينــه, شعقـبه
كيكه مالت عيد ميلاد..فيها سعابيل, هههههه مبيوقه
كباب الحجه مو مشوي عدل , بس برمضان
روبي تيوزدي..غيروا الشيف
ابل بيز..شقت صدري شق ريحة الصبغ
ميس الغانم..لقـينا شعره بالـثوم
ببيز بيتزا..وحده شالت قفشه من السلطه و شمتها..شان تردها مكانها بالبوفيه, طبعا بعد ما نص القفشه دشت خشمها
ازوري..تشرب عصيرك و تمزمز بالذبان و الحشرات يطيحون من ليتات النيون
صب واي..ما قاموا يلبسون دسوس
مال الجبن و الزيتون بالجمعيه..يقرض اظافر ريوله على ما الزبون ينقي الجبن (بدون ذكر الجمعيه) ههه
و شغلات وايد بالديره..شبقالنا ناكل ها؟؟ والله حرام
عطوا الدياي بندول و اموكسسلين..و ودوا البقر مستشفى الصدري عيادة الدرن..و فكونا
يلا بباي عاد

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I couldn`t help it..LoL

Yup..I couldn't`t help it not to take a pic for this kick ass, cool motorcycle..I mean come on..I'm sure that there are no other bikes that have the same accessories like the one on this hot hog.

hey..I know the answer, an Indian guy in sharq..ya3ny 7adda 9ayd el7araka el2a5..LoL

The funny thing was that when he saw me taking the 1st pic for him, istanes 7adda..he was so happy..he held the handle bar and started posing..men 9ejja @@..

And another pose with a little tilt to the front wheel "7arakaat 5a6eera" yabeelha tadreeb hathy..
he is cool..made my day, hehe

Thursday, April 5, 2007


Warning: If you just ate or you suffer a heart disease please don`t read this.

I found this in some blog I liked it..it's worth being shared..LoL

I`ve been through lots of these scenarios in my life..Im sure most of you too, have had your share of this "pile"..anyway..enough said..let`s get it on..or out..

close your nose it`s gonna be messy and smelly..

A list of the different kinda poopies one encounters.

  • Ghost poopie: The kind where you feel the poopie come out, but there's no poopie in the toilet.

  • Clean poopie: The kind where you poopie it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the toilet paper.

  • Wet poopie: The kind where you wipe your butt 50 times and it still feels unwiped, so you have to put some toilet paper between your butt and your underwear so you won't ruin them with stains.

  • Second wave poopie: This happens when you're done pooping and you've pulled your pants up to your knees, and you realize that you have to poopie some more.

  • Pop a vein in your forehead poopie: The kind where you strain so much to get it out, you practically have a stroke.

  • Lincoln log poopie: The kind of poopie that is so huge you're afraid to flush without first breaking it into little pieces with the toilet brush.

  • Gassy poopie: It's so noisy, that everyone within earshot is giggling.

  • Drinker's poopie: The kind of poopie you have the morning after a long night of drinking. It's most noticeable trait are the skid marks on the bottom of the toilet.

  • Corn poopie: Self explanatory.

  • Gee I wish I could poopie poopie: The kind where you want to poopie but all you do is sit on the toilet and fart a few times.

  • Spinal tap poopie: That's where it hurts so badly coming out, you'd swear it was leaving you sideways.

  • Wet cheeks poopie also known as the power dump: The kind that comes out so fast, your butt cheeks get splashed with water.

  • The dangling poopie: This poopie refuses to drop in the toilet even though you are done pooping it. You just hope that a shake or two will cut it loose.

  • The surprise poopie: You're not even at the toilet because you are sure you are about to fart, but oops, a poopie!

It was good, but they forgot to mention some, examples:

1. The marbles: which is the one it comes like a small balls falling continuously, forming a musical splashing sound according to the size, weight and distant.

2.Th ice cream cone: It`s the one twist falling to form an artistic sculpture.

3.The camouflage:Usually you can notice this one by the different colors and patterns that it come equipped with, light Brown, dark chocolate, or sometimes..Arabic coffee.

like I said..shit happens, you got to face it..not really.

Monday, April 2, 2007

I just wana sleep X(

Im not sleepy..but I wana sleep, bs m3andatny elnoma..my wife and my kids gona wake up soon..and Im still up, I have to be in my job at 10 max, then I have to go back there at 5pm tell 8pm, then I have a class from 7.30 pm (which means that Im gona be late for it) and it finishs at 9pm..yeah, It`s gona be "A GREAT" day =/