July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Love "NoNoWa"s Birthday

At 16.00 o`clock today, my Love NoNoWa will be 27 years old

This great girl, great wife, great mother...my woman, my partner in all, good and bad, happiness and sadness...my first and last love, my one and only, my destiny, one of the most beautiful things ever happened in my entire life, the reason of my endless happiness, will turn 27..for more and more to come baby

7yaty, roo7y, galby, 3omry, 7obby, denyety enty ya Om Husso0oN.......ya 3yoon Bu Husso0oN enty

Happy Birthday My Love


Anonymous said...

Happy b'day~~

5roofa said...

haaaaaaaaaappy b-daaaaaaaaaaaaaay 5altyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

kel 3am o ehe b2aaaaaaaaalf 5eeer o alah e5alekom le b3ath yaaaaaaaaaarb

3amy wenek ma ta3arft 3ala nesebk lel7en

o5a6ebe shloonaaaaaaaa la ykon za3laan lol kela oho lel7en 7obi el awele

bs ethrooof 5altnyy 5roofa :p

miss u 3amy o miss 5altyyy mooooooooooooooooooooooooooore

salamz 3amy/friendiii....

3anooda said...

sooooo cute aaawwwww

Navy Girl said...

happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy b'day NoNowaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;

Anonymous said...

This is a greeting from rekoo... ;)

Happy birthday oo 3gbal 1000 sena

Allah y5alekom 7ag ba3ath inshallah oo ya7feth lekom 3yalkom ;)

kella met2a5er said...

hanx alot =)

5roooooooofaaaaaaaaa, my bnaytyyyy eshloonich yuba, sha5baarich..enshallah alla GreeT =D

Wulla 5a6eebich gam yoogaf o inshallah soon ra7 ymshy..

Wulla we are honored to meet nseebna =)

Thanx aloot aloot o allah yesma3 mennich

Slamoon ya bnayty frienda =D

Thanx =)

Navy girl:
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanxxxxxx ya ketchub girl =D

From me and nonowa =)

Hallah wulla bel`3yib el7athir, hallah belDoctor wullah..

Thanx alot man, inshallah allah yesma3 mennik..basherna 3annik yuba eshloonik, inshallah amoorik all GooD =D

Anonymous said...

awww, happy b.day nonowa :*

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday :)

kella met2a5er said...

Awwwww,Thanx Alot =D

Thanx Dude =)


Happppppyyyyyy Birthdayyyyyyyy want to give you from my love chocolate....hiiiiii from istanbul...your visit ll make me happy.welcome..and here you are......


when you will visit to my blog then you ll understand me.what i mean...thanks see you bye


thanks for your nice coments.i am cake artist.actualy my job architect but since 2 years ago cake artist in istanbul...i am glad u liked.cos when i check to my live traffic map so less saw middle east flag.hahaha discover me pls...bye see you....

kella met2a5er said...

Thanx alot =)

About the chocolate cookies pics in your blog, are they for sale, and do you deliver? cuz they looks yummy...


Yeah for sale.i m working with order.this is my job...me cooking.someone eating...cake,cookie,chocolate....also my wedding cookie so special and famous in istanbul.i ll wait yours order....hahaha

Lulwa said...

Happy Birthday NONOWA :*

Send her my kisses,
she doesn't know me , but i've been a regular visitor 2 her blog

missed her, and wish u both a happy life with ur kids :)

Anonymous said...

Allah y7f'9kum,bth of you,and such a beautiful dedication.

eshda3wa said...

happy birthday

oo allah ykhaleekom 7ag ba3ath inshallah

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday nonowa, inshallah ayamkom kilaha hilwah

Shaima'a Alkandari said...

keeel 3am w ehya b5eer
wlha 6olt el3omr yarb

allah y5leha lkom w y5lekom lha

w3saha fr7a dayma lkom yarab

Unknown said...

Dude??? How are you and Nonowa???? I miss u guys- Elijah-Libran Madness