July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bin 6omas!!

No Freakin Comment!!


Anonymous said...

lol wassup with the ID? :D

kella met2a5er said...

Madry, but sheftha elyoum o 9awwartha, I couldn`t help it man..his name 3jeeeeb =D

LMAO wulla

Anonymous said...

lol I read his name again and again its soo difficult to pronounce ba3ad, hehe

kella met2a5er said...

I know...I was thinking about that too, LooL heheheheeehehhehehehe

um-miT3ib said...

ana aby karkooor;p

Anonymous said...

plzzzzz say its a joke :'(

Missy said...

6omas LOL

FourMe said...

hehehheheh god help his soul.. he has the meanest set of parents on earth!

kella met2a5er said...

Cham wa7id!!? athneen kafy?

Its not, wullah..I was shocked too

Welcome back =)

Ee el2esm elwa7eed elly 3adil 6omas..ya3ny "Tomas", chenna e7na ma 3endena bel3araby 7arf elta2!!

Well, you know what make it worse, he is a gynacologist, LoooooL

karkoor amrath nessa xD

Shayouma said...


You know, everytime i see a new post from you, I am thinking "Oh his wife had the baby!" I don't know why lol but I love it when the women are in the last month and the baby can come any time..

Allah yigawimha bil salama inshallah!

Shayouma said...

Agool fida7t el rayyal by mentioning he's a GYN! 7aram 3laik!

NoNoWa said...

Poor guy!! His momma didnt like him! LOL!!!!

Big Pearls said...

LoL, come to the clinic where I work. I get to read loads of weird funny names:)

Amethyst said...


Navy Girl said...

hey aint that " karkor wa 7etha'o elsa3ada " babay ??? loooooool i remember that cartoon i loved it :D

FourMe said...

loooooooooooooooool OMG you're kidding !!! wa3laya 3alaih


Ms Loala said...

I guess kan yekarkir lama enwilad :D

kella met2a5er said...

Allah yesalmich..wullah she is 3ala e6reaf, she could tolad any second ;p

Leash, sheno ohwa elGYN elwa7eed belkuwait!!? karkoor the gynomaster!! LooL ;p

Or she did, but didnt find a funny enough name!!?

Big pearls:
I can only imagine!! =D

Eshfeech e5tara3ty, its only hos name!!

Navy girl:
LooooooL, 7addich emthay3a!!

LA wulla, its real!!

ms loala:
Yekarker sheno?? a333..yekarker, LoooL

Navy Girl said...

laaaaaaaaaa walaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa not this time !! fee cartooon called Karkor !! he is lil' black cat with a red shoes ! :D

kella met2a5er said...

navy girl:
LooooL, ya3ny te3tarfean enich mthay3a..butnot this time, hehehe

Wulla ma a3arfa 9ra7a?? ana sho`3ly jongar, sashearoo..thunder cats =)

Navy Girl said...

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay jongaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar !!! do you know 5omasy 5omasy sh59yaaaa :D

oh and sansherooo was my love !!! :D

i'll post a pic about karkor :D

kella met2a5er said...

navy girl:
Akeed a3arf 5omasy, afa 3alaykee =)

Yallah post it, yumkin a3arfa etha shefta!!

loco said...

loooooooooooooool 6omasha

kella met2a5er said...

7adda =)

5roofa said...


hatha mo esem cartoon??

ambii wanasa 7abet esma la 9ot mosege wela ent shrayek :p

salamz friendi lol


kella met2a5er said...

Walleeeeen..7atta enty!! tekfa..I should really google the cartoon elly tetkallemoon 3anna =/

Wulla lama agra esma it sounds like this song for shady el5aleej:

"Gargoorna..haleebooo, yab elsimach..haleeboo, yab elsimach..haleeboo"

so my nes5a of it is:

"karkoorna..krakooos..yab el6omas, krakoos, yab el6omas..krakoos" trere trere trere trere trere trere ReN =D

I was singing it while I was making the post, LoooooL

eshda3wa said...

umbay maskeeeeeeen

kella met2a5er said...

I know....IM gona get him a new one!!

No3iK said...

LOL i wanna seee karkooors face! ;)

Bombay Bombshell said...

Laah Mo Men 9ejhom!

kella met2a5er said...

Eshtabeen fe wayha!!!? kafy esma ;p

bombay bombshell:
E wullah min 9ijhom..its for real!!

5roofa said...


karkoor wa 6etha2 el sa3adaa loool

can cartoon bs nesat sheno salfeta loool


kahooo :D lool

i know i know im the best u can say it loool


salamz friendii...

kella met2a5er said...

La 7awla wala qowata ella bella...ebtalasht feekom!! eshfeekom 3ala halcartoon!!?

yallah, thanx for the link..

thanx frienda =)