July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Better late than never!!

"Better late than never"
When Nonowa read the title, she thought it couldnt be any better, she thought that should be my motto in life!! weird ha?

Of course, Im late like always, but this time, its for my blogs one year anniversary, birthday or whatever you like to call it..I think I started blogging on Feb the 8th 2007!!
*White pigeons flying and turding all over ugly gypsy girls dancing and mooning the crowd with flame throwers, a clown flipping between their legs then dropping dead from the scenary and smell of the gypsy girls, and fat men blowing horns with white and gray tights torn on the @ss, and little squirrels carrying me around between all this dillema of celebrating my blog, a male belly dancer and a taliban stripper in the background making out, and an air plane flying with my name on the back of it..KM in da houze*
and that makes me 2 days late..not that bad, right!!?I tried to look for a suitable pic of a cake to put with the post, I couldn`t find a better one than this, a piece of cake, with a little clock ticking on the side..you know, to not be late..it turns out that its not even a cake..its an alarm clock..so I think it will not make any good for me, I cant eat it, it cant wake me up!!
Ok what is new..
I think Im a ride addict now, I`ve been riding every single day as of last week, I leave to work with my bike, finish work and head to the stupid streets of kuwait and have a spin, then head back home to nonowa cuz I start to miss her, otherwise, I would be riding till its late at night..

Being hungry helps too ;p "J/K nonowty" LoL

Since I couldnt find the suitable cake for my blog celebration, I thought this will be a good one!! wanna piece..anybody!!?
Would you eat it!!

Happy my blog 2 days late anniversary =D


Bombay Bombshell said...

Haha, that motto has been taken ;p by me !

and that cake, hand me a piece, 9ara7atan its... beyond words can explain ;p


Smart-y said...

a7la moto bl denya hatha!! chan zain el kel ye3aref geemta!

mabrooooook! and happy 2 days late anniversary ;D

w laaa2 el keka laish ctheee :S b3'ait atafil el coffee 3ala al shasha wallah! bs kekat um sa3a 7lwa a9lan they made it specially for you :P

Amethyst said...

Happy Birthday to your blog;p

kella met2a5er said...

bombay bombshell:
No way, its mine..it my curse!!

@@ whaT *about the cake*? 9ra7atan, you are wierd!!

welcome to my blog, thanx for passing by =)

Theba7tny ebsalfat "geemta" , ma m3awwad elkelma qattala..5la9 its my word for these days!!

Y m3awwad la tashrig o abtelish feek, marra thanya lamma tegra blogy, la teshrab coffe, I might have another ya33 stuff ;p

O shako its made for me, eshqa9dik haaaaa??? LoL

Allah yebarik feek 7ajy =)

Allah yee...madry, thanx

shokran for stopping by =@

FourMe said...

Happy 'belated' blog anniversary.. First cake Yes plz, Second cake Ohhh Myyy Lorddd some ppl are just goneee.. that was beyond revolting..

5roofa said...


Happy Bloggi-Day lool

o el kekaa alah ezed el ne3ma lesh 3ad
:/ tawny maklaaa waay jabdi gamt tagleeeeeeeeeeeb

mo5 o dam o we3 lol

ya3ny ya rabi shway 7o6 keka 3ala ward 3a9afer lool

waaaaaay a7es kelesh mo layeg

mabrook o o3gbal el 100 anniversary :D

salamz friend...

NoNoWa said...

Hey Hubby :)

That motto sticks to u like glue!!

The cake with the clock - no problem...but the other one- ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww couldnt swallow that one my love. Just looks too nasty!

And you better me more than hungry to come home to me Bu Hassoon!! I always miss u when u ride and worry even more...take care of yourself and stop driving fast!!!

Happy Blogiversary, babe! :*

NOw get those freakin pigeons away from me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the Taliban stripper just looks scarey!! :P

Shaima'a Alkandari said...

yarb tg3d m3ana a3wam akthr bl bloooog

nice aklh wtshreeee7 wt89ee9

ymy ymy

marshmallows said...

bs 2 days laa fee taqadoom ;p

o happy birthday 2 ur blog

so2al ela7mr ele blcake hatha frawla wla karz ??

eshda3wa said...

happpyyy birrrthday tooooo youuuuuuu

ana ba3ad my blog turned 1 bs i didnt celebrate it

kella met2a5er said...

I think the pics really worked their expected effect on you..LoL

Thanx, welcome to my blog..hope to see ya here again =)

Haha, I think it worked with you too, LoL

Tekfa, ana wein o 39afeer o ward wein!!?
Al7een KM o biker, o bad @SS O 3afsa, ba3deen ward o 39afeer!!? SHAKOW =/

if I will be bloger after 100 years, my teeth will be falling on the keyboard..hehe

thanx 7ajeyya

Nono ya nono, a55 ya nonowty..I think I did really good with the pics!! LoL

Hey, I didnt say something wrong, I come back cuz Im hungry for ya babe ;p you know I miss 7beebty my wifty =D

Blogversary CooOo0oOl baby, yeah..you rock N

I will be carful baby, I love you, thanx sweety

p.s: If you want me to move the pigeons away, you have to take a bite from the skull cake ;p

Shaima elkandary:
Hehe, 7yach..take bite tara 5oosh keeka, LoL

thanx for stopping by =)

E adry..kash5a bas 2 days, LoL

About the cake, wulla I will try to find out who made this cake and who ate it, track them down..hunt them, kill them..and then ask them what was the flavor!! eshdranii?? I took the pic from google, LoL

thanx for stopping by =)

Wulla I wasnt gonna do it too, bas yalla..what the hick =)

you should celebrate..and but how many days you are late, so I will not be the only one..hehe

thanx 7ajeyya

Navy Girl said...


and yeah very true .. sometimes people are later for some certain reason .. sometiems just teasing :D but still its better to be there than NEVER be there ..

kella met2a5er said...

navy girl:
Yep...I know Im right after all ;p

Yallah, take a piece of my bloody cake!! LoL