Scene Two- One of the policemen took the dawreyya, rushing to another car "Murano", while the other policeman drove the Maxima. He stopped next to the Murano, got out of the car, and starts looking inside the black windows of the Murano, all of the sudden; they pull out a bold giant guy, wearing a fire fighter uniform. The policeman tried to put him inside the police car, but he was resisting, the other policeman came charging to them, he slaps the fire fighter.
Scene Three- Two girls in the front seat of the Murano crying, the driver came out from her Murano, begging the police man to leave her, and let her go. One of them starts to demand her to go back and sit in her car. She begs him desperatly, and the policeman starts to cuss and swear at her..(rekby syyartich ya 5arra, ya 7aqeera!!)..she went back to her car.
Finally the police got the"firefighter" with the other guy (Maxima) into the back seat of the police car. One of the policemen head to the front right door, asking the girls for I,D`s..and they start crying loud, begging him to leave them. One of them starts to tell him with a hysterical tone: "My father will die if he knows, please I dont want anything, I will do anything..but please my father la ya3arf, wulla yemoot, wullah yemoot"..the policeman starts to threaten her, and she said: "ok, ok 5la9, a36eek a36eek, bas la ya3arf abooy wulla ymoot!!"
The policeman spotted me, watching..: 5ally law sama7t momkin t7arik.. so I said, "Ok mo meshkilla..."
Few moments later, Hussoon asked me: Baba, sorry doesn`t work with police ha?
KM: eshloon ya3ny yoba?
Hussoon: Ya3ny even if they say sorry to sher6a, mako fayda, they did something wrong 5la9!!
KM: ee baba 5la9, mako fayda =/
Before all that, in a while, me and my son were in the same place, eating our breakfast, I noticed the car, it was obvious there was something wrong going on, but I just didnt give it any attention..
The girl was crying, and saying that her father will die if he knows... so why would you put your self in this situation, was it worth it!!? I really felt bad, but not about the girls or the guys, I feel bad about the familly. When they find out, will her father really die, God forbid..something wrong will happen. Akeed, ma ra7 t3ady 3ala 5eir..Allah ye3eenhom kelhom.
Lama bint tesawy halbalawy, o tefakir inna later on she will be a mother, a grandmother..sheno ra7 tetthakar about shababha..inha kanat dahya, o farra elshabab like 5watim on her fingers!!? I dont think this is something to be proud about!! Wullah fashla..
7o66o balkom 3ala roo7kom, o think about how valuable you are to your selves and your famillies. Fakro etha elsalfa teswa wella la2, etha elsalfa wraha mostaqbal, wela le3ib o bas..elmawqif elly shefta elyoum, ana met2akid enna yetkarrar kil youm, o akthar min marra..bas ta5ayyilow enna ye7oshkom la sama7 Allah, tara shofat elmawqif jddam 3yoonkom tethba7, elwalad temas5ar jddam refeejta o elsher6a da5elloh eldawreyya b6ragaat, elbint, kalat sab o klam y7qerha min elshor6a..elnas wagfa tshoof..mawqif zift 9ra7a!!
A five year old little boy, got the point already... what about you..did you get it, or not yet!!?