July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I miss having a "Deech" !!

Yeah I do, I miss having this stupid usless bird, they`re never on time for prayers..I guess they go by their local timing from wherever the hell they came from!!

But they are fun, ayyam gabol, we used to chase this speedy bastards for over ana hour me and my younger brother, till they give up and just start drooling..then we start to approach and jump on them ya3ny 9aydeenhom, la o lazim we brag, so I start to tell my brother: ha shiftny eshloon 9edta..sheft eshloon rabeata..!!

And we seriously think that we tamed them o enna 5la9 te3allam 3aleena, ya3ny 9ar aleef, LoL

So we start rubbing them and pushing them down `3a9b 3shan yeg3doon yamna...wulla mesakeen eldyacha elly ye6ee7oon b2edna, we chase them thinking that we are training them to be faster, we throw them really high ya3ny ne3alma ye6eer and we build them houses from cement bricks and then it falls on their legs and breaks them..no wait that was the duck!!

Eeeeehhh, I miss you Rocky, yup rocky my deech..I named "him" Rocky, lo "Sly" yadry chan yente7er..hehe

I dunno why, but we always have weird animals ayyam gabol..last deech we had just pushed it zyada 3an ellezoom, ma9a5ha!! He left all the beutifull fat chicken with there nice rounded a$$es, and started fornicating with the slim duck..I mean come on, what kind of little chicks they will have!!? elthaher 9a7ebna yaby ye3adel elnasil ya3ny..so he decided to pimp it with the sluty Duck..

hehe, I miss throwing jooty, wella n3al, wela rocks or what ever my hand can reach, to stop them doing the dirty duck/deech DO, at least not infront of the other chickens..

I miss those days...Im hungry!!


Anonymous said...

LooooL akrahom ree7at-hom 5aysa :P

Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOL @ "duck/deech DO"

wallah bachaitny 3ala Rocky :P

ma 3alaih bu hasson

Ms Loala said...

Ma 9arat deech hatha, 9ar ramboo menkom :P

kella met2a5er said...

Wula ayyam gabol, re7at-hom 5aysa..yesawoonha 3ala eedna o blawy wayed ba3ad..we never cared, except for one thing, how the hell will we smugling into the house without my mom catching us, coz if she did..man we are out..wulla tnayyemna ma3a eldeyay, she will not even touch us, ya7lealha elwalda, she hates all kind of animals...she hated it whenever my dad used to buy them for us..it was fun

Dude inta lo tshoofhom la ye9eer salfat el"duck/deech DO"..o555, it was a kodak moment man..

Rocky Allah yer7oma defanta fe 7adeeqatna, bas I think elwalid ga66ah beltrash..thekrayat

ms loala:
Laaaaaa, mo ramboo esma..rocky

ramboo ma y3aber!!
cant just hear the rock music playing in the background..bas bedal la yarkith 3alba7ar, yarkith fe 7adeqatna..

5roofa said...

waaaaaaay ejraaam
ento alah la eyeb 5arof fe betkom shakla betsanaa 79aan looooool

alah e3ena el deech el mskeen wala kesar 5a6rii ma3any ma 7eba bs lool 3afartoo fee 3afaar

loool i had fun reading thiis post

salamz friend...

Anonymous said...

wallah the way kids think is soo innocent

I had a canaries when i was young and my brother opened their cage and let them fly...I was sooo sad saweet fat7ah with my dolls and barbies lol

if u miss it so bad then get another one

Anonymous said...


zain shako hungry a5aer shy ?!!

ya a5ee el deech yabat rasah el ba6a :) kayfaaaaaaah !! eny shakooooo :)

that was one funny post :)

kella met2a5er said...

Im glad you liked it =)

I know e7na 7adna ejram, bas ayyam gabol, al7een kel wa7ed feena mitzawwij o 3enda 3yal..and that means we are worse now, hehe

J/k..la ya7lealna al7en..6aybeen ;p

glad to create a smile =)

Tell me about it..

b3den t3aly 9ij..enzean mo 7ram yumkin kan wakta elbird 3ayesh, lesh etfawleen 3aleeh o tsaween fat7ah!! la o ma3a elbarbyyat ba3ad, 5osh 3aza akeed wala wa7da labsa 3baya?!!

Get one now..la yuba al7een bird flu o amrath, o mako 7adeqah wala 7oosh..awal `3air o al7een `3air..

Awal shy, hungry le2anny I was, mala she`3il belpost..I was realy hungry then, LoL

min na7yat enna yabat rasa, la afa 3aleach yabat rasa o thabe6eta ba3ad..bas madry a7es qellat adab ya3ny may9eer deech esh6oola esh3ertha 3orfa 6aye7 leryoola, yela7ig ba66a, wain 9arat hathy!!

glad to create a smile =)

kella met2a5er said...

Come on, everybody saying they are smelly..they stink, ya3ny ballah fe animal smells good!!? ya3ny you never held or played with deech, eshloon 3ayal 3arafto inna smelly??

And who cares about smells, I was 7 years old and my brothr was 4..we were careless 7adna...it was fun =D

I named "him" Rocky, coz I thought ya3ny y9eer qawy..LoL

Smart-y said...

KAAAAAK! < wa7d met2ather LOOOL ;P

walla I miss ayam gabl, enta wya el deech w el deyaya.. ana weya 5erfan w 9e5oul yaddy allah yer7ma! knt amoooot 3lehoum ana o o5oy el akbar mene.. it was really fun theech el ayam!

bs enta mujrem m3ahoum, ana knt 7addy 6ayeb m3a el animals.. enta mutawa7esh ;P

Navy Girl said...

no waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay !! :D ambeeeh you cracked me up wala !!!! :D you named him rocky 3shan y9eer tough !! he is a stupid rooster ;P !! goes like kak kak kak thats all he can do !! LOL

ooo hell yeah i never played with it !! ewwwwwww !!

dogs and cats smells nice !! ;P

kella met2a5er said...

Wulla enta elwa7eed elly fahemny, bas la enta cool, full option..95ool ha =D

my grandfather allah yer7oma, mma 5lla shy ma yablena, 95ool 5erfan dyay, la7am semach..ay shy, la 9ij wulla, bas lamma kan eyeeb 5roof madry emnagee nagwa, mwa9y 3aleeh..kel el5orfan elly 6abbaw 3endena fehom a39ab, so we never came that close to them except for feeding or kicking them on the @ss, that was fun to ;p

7ram 3aleik ana mujrim..lesh!!?

navy girl:
La yuba, elkak malat our dyacha `3er elkak malat dyachat elfereej, o mo kel min gal kak 9ar deech!!

rocky kan ykaky, bas 3ala thegil, mo ragla ya3ny, emdarbeena ;p

have you ever smelled wet dog, or cat?? yaeh...they STINK, L0o0L

Anonymous said...

Deech's ROCK!!!

But dont u ever even think of bringing one into this house!!!!

You made me remember all my childhood pets and for some reason I dont remember training them by chasing them and throwing cement blocks at them!!! But u had ur way and I had mine! :P LOOOOL

And that was one really bad, bad deech to be doing it with a duck!! I am glad I didnt witness that :)

I hope Rocky is in a better place- but I cant say being with u was soo good in the first place either. So any place wud be better!!! LOOL :P

um-miT3ib said...

haw men sijik?

Anonymous said...

oooohhh and i thought boys would just bully animals, now i know they had a nobler cause, to train them!! How dare you!!!

Poor thing, he's lucky he's not with you anymore.

kella met2a5er said...

meyaw, e jad wullah!!

bel3ax, he is lucky, I was his personal trainer..ya3ny where he is gonna find better than me for this task..

maskeen mat in the end, ma esta7mal =(

Pearls said...

lool !!! waaai3 i hate roosters!!! noisy creatures for no apparent reasons 3ala goltik 7ata mo wagt il salat !! ;p

Navy Girl said...

akeed ygoool " keeek keeek , koook koook " LOL !!! :D

umm ... neah i never did ! :D

eshda3wa said...

el7mdel welshiki:pPp

a7ad yoolah 3ala deech!

حنطفيس said...


Missy said...

AAHAHHAAHHAHA,, yal mtwa7esh :p

kella met2a5er said...

navy girl:
Wtf is keek kook, ana gilt thigeel mo ragla!!

mo ay deech ya eshda3wa, hatha rocky =/

حنطفيس :
glad to make LooL around, hehe

leesh shmsawy ana??LoL

Navy Girl said...

@@ 3yal tell me sheno ygol balaaaaaaaa !! :D LOL

OutOfReach said...

ambeeh 7raam
o0 a5er shay ur hungry !!!:S b3d hal salfa 7seet btgool enek ma takel deyaay ;P

kella met2a5er said...

navy girl:
madry shegool, bas yegool kak tekana y3ny...y3ny kak malat deech 9ij, LoL ;p

ana ma akil deyay, leesh?? ana 7atta elbird flu ma waggafny, bas 3ad la7m eldeech..wa7da bwa7da, ygoloon..

enty shaklich min mona9era le7qooq eldeyay!! LoL

shoosha said...

i have a phobia min deech's :P we had one too oo no3ah la7agni :P

kella met2a5er said...

Ee 3ady, min zood elma7abba..maskeen 3a6y deechkom face =)

MacaholiQ8 said...

lmao man that's hilarious! ee wallah I miss our old deech. kan 3indina deech hindi tgool german shepherd mo deech! xD

kella met2a5er said...

The Criticizer:
tell me about it, wulla wala 3etwy or ga5ow yedish elbait....it was cool dude

Anonymous said...

khooosh deeech walla.... u remninded me.. eb ayam elghazo kena enrabby edyacha o deyay.. khayfen ekhalis el akel :P

bs hal deech shakla 3jeeeeb .. yetraba eb 3ezek been eldeyay :P

kella met2a5er said...

عتيج الصوف:
Enta wain m`9ayyi3, yoba Rocky mat o sheba3 mot 5anat 7elly mseaicheen, elpic min elnet..and aint no deech yetrabba eb3ezzy..kobarna 3ala sowalif eldyach ya m3awwad ;p

welcome to my blogy =D

Desert-Roses said...

u know what I like bout ur blog

---m'9ay3een here :P

Enigma said...

Eidkom embarak ya bo7asan & om7asan!

marshmallows said...


heey wherek ween kl hal'3eeba 3sa mashr

kella met2a5er said...

I know, Im so creative..GOSH

7yyach allah =)

HALLAAAAA, enty weinich..

ayyamich sa3eeda allah yesalmich =)

What!!??? do I know you =/

hehe j/k...Im here mawjood =) ma shar bas Im just being kella met2a5er like always ;p

Shaima'a Alkandari said...

allah kreem

hwnha wthoon

3edk mbark