
I was checking on my family's forum when I came across question, I thought I really had to reply. I felt that somebody should give a positive side to something that we unfortunately have always been told is taboo.
In our society we never hear anything but the bad side of it, and what makes it worse, the "zyada 3an ellezoom" exaggeration and stories...
Anyway, I thought I would post my reply, I would like to hear yours..so feel free to express your point of view, what would you say..
The question from the forumرد: بتزوج اجنبية , وشرايكم ياعيال عمي ؟؟
my reply
...السلام عليكم يا عيال العم
...السلام عليكم يا عيال العم
كلامكم يمكن يكون صحيح و لكن فيه الكثير من المغالطات, يمكن البعض يفكر ان الزواج من الاجنبيه بسبب التلفزيون او المجلات او الانترنت....الخ
بس يا جماعه الزواج اكبر كثيرا من ان يكون غريزه رجوليه تحرك الرجل من امام التلفزيون الى باب المأذون, الزواج مسؤليه و عيال و حقوق زوجيه و واجبات, فإذا كان الانسان شايف حياته مع بنت حلال معينه و حاس ان هذي الزوجه المناسبه و شريكه الحياة, اكيد راح يتزوجها و ما تزوج الا عن اقتناع كامل و معرفه بالظروف اللي راح يمر فيها هذا الزواج و يترتب عليه
الزواج من اجنبيه لا يعني التقليل من شأن بناتنا او الحط من مستواهم الفكري و العقلي او حتى الجسدي من ناحية الجمال, بس مثل ما فيه الكثير من الزيجات الاجنبيه الفاشله, هم فيه الكثير و الكثير من الزيجات من الاقارب او من نفس البلد و الجنسيه اللي اعلنت فشلها, و هذا ما دفع اي شخص ان يعلن و يجزم بالفشل التام لهاذا النوع من الزواج!! اذا ليش ننتقد الزواج من اجنبي
مشكلتنا ان دايما نقول..والله انا سمعت من فلان..او والله اعرف واحد..او الناس دايما تقول كذا و كذا, و على هذا الاساس نبني افكارنا و آرائنا و نبدأ ننتقد اشياء احنا ما نملك ابسط و اقل فكرة او تجربه عنه
للعلم انا في الكثير من عيال العم متزوجين من اجنبيات, و الحمد لله الكل متوفق فيهم و ما سمعت عن مشاكل او حتى طلاق بينهم, طبعا للبيوت اسرارها..و هذا ينطبق على كل انواع الزواج, لان توجيه الانتقادات العشوائيه و الدارجه ينطبق على الناحيتين, الا في بعض الحالات اللي يكون فيها الانتقاد يتطرق للدين او العادات و التقاليد.
من ناحيه العادات, سهل تغيير العادات, الانسان بطبيعته مرن, و اي شخص يضطر ان يغير و لو القليل من عاداته لو تواجد في مجتمع مختلف, و لو الزوج اختار البنت المناسبه من اي جنسيه كانت و لو كانت من بلدك, راح تحترم العادات و التقاليد, و في نفس الوقت العديد من البنات لا يطبقون او يحترمون العادات اللي تربى عليها اجدادنا, ما تشوف البنت تطلع في عبايه و بوشيه و برقع, ولا صوتها ما ينسمع..و الراي رايك يا يبه و اللي تشوفه يا يبه!!البنت في هذي الايام تشق و تخيط, و تلبس اخر الموديلات و اغلى الماركات..حتى الحجاب صار موضه و الوان و اشكال
اما من ناحية الدين, الشرع حلل الزواج من الكتابيه..و فضل المسلمه و المؤمنه, و الكثير من الزوجات الاجنبيات اعلنوا و اشهروا اسلامهم و تراهم بالمساجد و الحسينيات يتصرفون كما تتصرف اي بنت من الجماعه, يلبسون السواد و يعلنون الاحزان و يذرفون الدموع و يطبخون بعد في السابع و العاشر من محرم
اذا كان الزوج صالح و ماسك الامور بيد الحكمه و الرجاحه, فصدقوني يسير المرأه كما تسير القافله الي الوجهه المنشودة
و على فكره يا عيال العم, انا متزوج من امريكيه و الحمدلله..مسلمه شيعيه مواليه مواظبه و محافظه على صلاتها و صيامها و سترها و رصانتها..و ربة بيت ممتازة, ولا.. تطبخ مجابيس بعد..و عندي منها ولد و بنت و الثالث جاي بالطريج انشالله و الحمدلله, و داخلين السنه السابعه من الزواج..الله يخليلي ام حسين
و الزواج قسمه و نصيب, و لو اعترض من اعترض..اللي الله كاتبه يتم يا جماعه, و الواحد ما ياخذ الا نصيبه بهالدنيا..لا زياده ولا نقصان
..و دمتم سالمين يا عيال عمي
Ok bloggers..shoot
ONE WORD “ love” I believe that each marriage or relationship should be based on love , understanding , communicating , and then and only then everything would be easier .. I mean it doesn’t really matter you will marry that person him/herself .. not the passport or the society they live in .. you will marry that person and if that person loves you so much to sacrifice themselves and move into another place , and change some initials stuff in their life just for you .. well then that’s love .. that’s the real thing .. that’s what marriage should be build on .. and hey I’m not only talking about women only .. I’m talking about both … when you marry someone you are with them for who they are .. their personality who they really are deep down where no one can reach but you .. It really doesn’t matter who they are or used to be .. it only matters who they are when they are with you or around you …
y3ny lemme sum it up for you , you love someone you feel like you have so much in common .. you two click you go for it .. anything else wont matter !!
if it happened with me .. i wont mind !! i actually think i cant marry a kuwaiti guy !! :D LOL
so bless you and your wife ... ooo allah yhneekoom inshalla oo y5lee leekom your kids :)
olaaaa 7ady grga !! :D sorry !!
allah ytmem 3leekom enshallah o0 yshel 3la om 7seen o tshofoon el baby el thaleth eb 9e7a o 3afya ya rab :)
your right awaln el zawaj qesma o n9eeb o ma yhem shino jnsyat el zooja or el zooj daam el 6arfeen mqtn3een eb ba3a'6 :)
very well said KM
and I agree with you 100 percent wallah. Marriage is partnership, and it doesnt have to be from the same culture, country and so and so
as long as there is love, respect, understanding and communication between the two and the determination to make their marriage work....especially in hardship...cuz thats when the true colors and traits of each person surface!!
I am married to a man who is from a differnet country...and after living with him...I say totally different culture than ours...but we didnt let that get into the way of our life...and now our children enjoy both cultures and both slangs as well lol
such marriage are the unique ones...we will always stand out...we are not like the boring typical and ordinary couples. we have something extra to be happy about....so dude your marriage is an extra unique one...cuz got sweet caring and loving cuppycake nonowa :D
I wish you all the joy in the world wallah ow allah ydeem ha 3alekum ow 3aleena ba3d ne3mah =D
and NAVY GIRL....very impressive girl :)
El zawaj qesma w ne9eeb .. w el tafahom w el 7ob aham shy .. no matter how old she was, wats her nationality and wat so ever .. bel 7ob kel shy yet'3ayar !
yea w aham shy el qana3a bel choice ele we would make !
I couldn't agree more. You summed it all up.
Marriage should be based on fully understandment and compatibility between the couple. Sure marrying someone from your own region would be a whole lot easier than a forigner bs sub7analla, yemken ma tetwafaq m3a bent el balad kether el '3areeba.
It all comes to the person himself whethere he wants the marriage to work out or not.
Besides, there's this ayaa where it couldn't go wrong :
و خلقناكم شعوبا و قبائل لتعارفوا. ان اكرمكم عند الله اتقاكم
So, don't care about any one. They're probably just jealous because you're having a good and successful marriage mashalla.
Allah yehaneekom inshalla.
ohwa n9eeb wmatdry shno bykon shreek 7yatk
allah yhneek wy5lelk 3yalk wom 7seen
In theory, or some place else, other than Kuwait, and from certain nationalities, that could work out with no major drama, but for most cases, even if the marriage works out the children will have to pay for it, this is a very tuff and hard society to live with, if you are sure that you can raise the kids to be independent and strong to face all kinds of attitudes from people then go ahead, but believe me it needs so much work to make it happen
allah ywafegkom ;) oo lo 3an zwaj el ajaneb kahoo 5alii metzawej amreekeya men gabel la anweled oo 3ndehom 4 kids oo metwafgeen el7amdellah ;p
I agree with all u said except this was a bit too much for me:
يسير المرأه كما تسير القافله الي الوجهه المنشودة
I don't think you meant it in the way I took it, but this to me always sounds like the woman is a kid with no brain and the man guides her.
The rest is just fine :D
navy girl:
Thanx girl, bless you too =)
And yeah love is the first and last in a successful relationship and marrige..
thanx again, great words navy =)
and no mo garga, e5thy ra7tich elblog blogich afa 3alaich =D
out of reach:
THanx..Allh yesma3 mennich inshallah..
yeah it is, ba3ad etha Allah qasim shy, lesh ne3terith 3ala qesmetah!!
very kind words =)
All my recpect for every single word in your comment..
You nailed it! We are unique in our marriges, and yeah we do have extra things most of other marriges lack..we wanted this person in our life, nobody took the decision for us..we chose this life..el7emdella..
Allah ye5allelich zojich o ye5alleech 7aggah..o yehanneekom o 3yalkom..ajma3een ya rab el3almeen =)
ghasheema, your words..right to the heart mashallah..yes we are unique..
you tell them girl...Im glad there are people with such mentality..thanx
ms loala:
"""It all comes to the person himself whether he wants the marriage to work out or not.
Besides, there's this ayaa where it couldn't go wrong :
� ������� ����� � ����� �������. �� ������ �� ��� ������""""
I cant say nothing to u after that...you go girl, tell them!
thanx alot ms loala..fe meezan a3malich inshallah =)
shaima alkandari:
That is what Im trying to say...thanx
Allah yesalmich =)
Ok you might be right, Im trying to figure out your opinion....
Well, Im into this marrige.. el7emdella, Im alright..my kids are the most popular kids in their schools, every where we go people adore them..and Im working on it full time when it comes to the way we are raising them, my kids are still young but social and really smart, mashallah..and inshallah allah kateblehom eltawfeej in their future..
But cmon, tarbeyat the kids depend on the personality of their parents, doesnt matter what is their nationality..go to salmeyya and watch the teenagers, watch how they behave...I dont think that they all came from mix marriges just because they are dumb or rude, or their parents didnt prepare them and make them independant!!
I dont know if you are married or not, but if you are, IM sure that you know how it feels toward your kids, you will do what ever it takes to make them the best, you will make them who they are what ever the nationality or the background, and giving kids the confidence and self esteem shouldnt depend on nationality or gender, good parents have the ability to shape and nurture their kids, but when they get older, its all in their hands, to live the way they were taught or go their own way- and nationality has absolutely nothing to do with that.
And believe me, when you are parents..you dont considre raising your kids as work, its love..and that is why IM a father, el7emdellah.
E wulla, I dont know why elnas always look at the failure marriges when it comes to mix ones..like its something have to happen..
ya3ny elly metzawjeen from the same nationality or the same background..mla2eka, Allah rafe3 elqalam 3anhom, perfect..
thanx and welcome girl, hope to see you again in my blog =)
Leesh sheno mo 3ajbich!!? EEEEEE yesayyerha, o yemasheeha, o yega3edha, o yegawemha ba3ad....wullah =0
hehe, J/K..I know you are the biggest feminist in the bloging world..
Now let me put it in this way to you..
If Im in the states with NoNoWa, do you think I will be the same like Im here exactly, BiG NO..I will have to learn some stuff about the lifesyle over there..my cute NoNoWa will guide me to better way of living there..
Now we are talking about here, Kuwait, arab ya baba, I think I know little pit more about it than NoNoWa although that she lived all her life in kuwait...its my duty to guide NoNo, ((when she needs))..and if she doesnt like it, BELIEVE me she will let me know =D
O salfat elqafela, tara arabic saying ya teacher!!
Nooo I didn’t mean that they won’t turn out good, bel3aks, but I’ve seen cases where people would be mean to them cause of that,
most people I’ve meet from mixed marriages they have this special kindness, couldn’t figure out from where,
but some of them if there moms descended from certain nationalities and they happened to inherit their features, mean people would look down to them, that’s why I was saying that building self confidence and self esteem for the kids is very important so that they won’t get hurt, I’m not saying that only them who gets that, now days, people find a way somehow to be mean and judgmental for no reason or right, you can’t change those people but defiantly you can be strong enough to face them, allah eyhanik o eywafgik o ey’7aly lik your kids, enshallah allah eysa’7er lehom 3yal el 7ala ely will be their true friends, cheers
Thanx allah yesalmich o yesma3 mennich inshallah..
cheers right back at you..
Muuuuuuuuuch better thanx :D
Hehe, la wullah..
awal shay 3ala rasi ele ye6b5on el 3asher o el sabe3 loool
mashala 3alek KM ent jawabt jawab ma atwaga3 e7na negdar nyeb a7san mena
el salfa salft na9eb o el mashakel el zawjeya methel ma gelt bkel mkaan.
ya36ek el 3afya 3ala el great topic o alah ewafeg om 7asoon o e5alekom lba3ath 3ala 6oool.
o lo sam7to etha tsawon marag gemaaa 9arliiiii dhaaaaaaaaaaaar metnasya 3ala gemat 7seneya :/ o el karbla2eya ma esawon ela yom 3asher lol
salamz dear friend...
I second navy girl. i think love plays an important role in this issue
bas wallah 5osh 7araka elfamily forum :P
teslmeen wulla, allah yesalmich, i7teramaty wulla =)
I wrote that 3lshan fe nas wayed o lilasaf min rabe3na o jema3atna ma5theen fekra `3ala6 about this kind of marriege...I had to say something about it, Im into this kind of marrige, so I think I know little more than them about it..dont you think ;p
elmohim thanx, about the comment wulla..made my day
O allah yesma3 mennich o yewafgich ba3ad inshallah..
qeema, a555 yeah yabeela =D``
Dude, 7yallah dude..wainek, taw ma nawwar elblog..
Wulla you are 9a7 o navy ba3ad, she nailed it too..
about the family forum, ee aboy nthab6ik ;p
tadry madry lesh bs 9ij ya3ny 7ata 3aylty ambi la eyobon hal 6ariii geyama t9eeer jenhom kfaroooo
ya3ny mo salfat opean minded people bs salfat n9eeb la akthar wala agal yabela agralohom ur post yemken yestaw3bon asra3 loool
thanks agian
salamz friend...
hehe..7elwa, yeah read my post to your family and I think it will be your last time to use the internet, LOL.. ;p
what ever kan elsha59 3araby aw ajnaby ... ma nadry meno ra7 n7eb kel shay bel9dfa..o0 hatha elshay y5e9 elsha59 nafsa couze hathy 7ayta o0 ma7ad yt7akm feeh(and every 1 know that)
but nice post
Wulla kalamich 3ala el3ain o elhead, I wish everybody would think in this way, but what to do, that is our mojtama3 =)
Welcome fe blogy, I hope inshallah this will not be your only comment
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