July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

AnA adVanCed..

yeah baby, I got certified =)


I finally got ranked to the advanced level of the third belt, it was yesterday, I actually started my test since 7.30 with nonstop cardio exercises un till 8.40 approximately, believe me..that is enough to strip out your soul from your body..then with only few seconds to catch my breath, the sensei gave his word to start the fight, for your info, in kajukenbo, you have to defend your self against more than one fighter, for me there were 6 guys around me, damn that was a BIT#H..I really didn’t feel like I did good, I wanted to do more, Im really good in the ground fight, unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to show it, my brothers said I was good but really exhausted, NoNoWa watched the video, she told me the same, she was impressed with some moves, so she asked me to post it “hehe no way”..

The most important opinion was from the sansei, he told me that Im good at the techniques, katas, grabbling and ground fights..but my weakness is my fitness. The nice thing that I defend my self perfectly, not a single punch or kick got me..that was the whole concept of the test, said the sansei.

If you want to know little pit about it..enjoy reading the following..and get impressed..LoL

Kajukenbo is a hybrid martial art that combines karate, judo, jujutsu, kenpo, and kung fu. It was invented in 1947 in Oahu, Hawaii,

The name works in two ways: "ka" ("long life"), "ju" ("happiness"), "ken" ("fist"), "bo" ("style") or "ka" ("karate"), "ju" ("judo"/"jujutsu"), "ken" ("kenpo"), "bo" (Chinese and American kick boxing), leading to the art's philosophical meaning: "Through this fist style, one gains long life and happiness."

Training workouts emphasize cardio conditioning and functional strength. While individual schools may show variation, it would not be unusual to train with sandbags or boxing gloves. Advanced students generally spend some time without benefit of protective gear to condition themselves for honest combat.
There is a core of self-defense techniques at the heart of Kajukenbo, and most schools eschew impractical, flashy moves and acrobatics. Most kajukenbo curricula feature counter-attacks to punches, kicks, knives, sticks, guns, and grabs.

"If you put together the martial artist's knowledge of vital targets, how to strike, and the concentration of power combined with anger and rage at the thought of someone hurting your loved ones, the person can be a devastating fighting machine."

"Anyone can learn to kick and punch, but to teach them how to survive in a violent street situation, you have to develop their animal instinct,"
says Maschmeier.


Anonymous said...

mabroooooooooooooook.. this gonna make you a superhero to your son, hasson ;)

and dude... post the video :P

kella met2a5er said...

Dude..Allah yebarik feek, enshageit shag wullah bu Ali..

And Hussoon was there, he watched the whole thing, he was happy too =)

Yeah..about the video, I dont think so, LoL

5roofa said...

mbrooooook lool

bs ambi el sport jena 3aneeef :P

bs ena it looks like its fun

maybe we should try it, fe fareg bnat? wela its a boyz game only???

manrook again


5roofa said...

manrook = mabrook

looooool sorry 3al badleya

salamz again

Navy Girl said...

good for you really !! this sound interesting .. fee girls ??? I wanted to join such things before !! 3shan I kick out anyone who tries to come near me lol :P

Missy said...

y3nee now ur officially mtwa7sh!? :p

e5r3 eshway... mathalan mathalaan a7ad bareee2 7dah o netfa yabee esweelik BOOO!! e5r3ik ,, ela ur turn around and jingjooongboong!! o chan u break his jaw! LOOLLLLLLL

Anonymous said...

dude, in your last post there's a video, right?

it doesn't work! every time i visit your page a message appears saying the file can't be opened

Smart-y said...

ماشاء الله مبرووك ومنها للأعلى، خلاص عيل اي هوشه راح اناديك P:

في بلاتينوم اشوفهم يتدربون عالـ"كينساي"، بس رياضتك هذة غير.. شكلها رعب وفيها "تَوَحُش" اكثر.

"If you put together the martial artist's knowledge of vital targets, how to strike, and the concentration of power combined with anger and rage at the thought of someone hurting your loved ones, the person can be a devastating fighting machine."
^ So true

kella met2a5er said...

I actually cancelled the video post the second I made it, and even when I checked now on my posts list and blogger reader, I didnt find anything!! where did you see it..

by the way my last post was el7emdella..so where do you see the video post exactly? coz since I made this post my blog ma3foos fog ta7at!!!

Anonymous said...

oops sorry... I meant this post "Missy`s customized bike by KM customs"

there's a video but it doesn't work!

the video's link is "http://youtube.com/v/LbvP7dT3Dx0"

kella met2a5er said...

Allah yebarik feech, thanx =)

la keliish its not 3onf marra wa7da, a9lan e7na lamma netdarrab endaldd`3 each other..by the way, its not even sport, its street fight..
La wullah mafee fareeq bnat, hehe

Aham shy, manrook, allah yenarik feech XD

3ady badleyyat and me = best friends,LooL

navy girl:
Hehe, eshfeekom 3ala fe girl fe girls??
la wullah ma fee..fe 7rkat feeha too rough for girls, I think!! coz its street fight..not sport, but if you learn..damn, no guy can come near you, ya3ny zena 7ag elkuwait ;p

LoooL @ netfa o bare2!!hehe
La I wouldnt break his jaw, bs If I did..moshkelta 3ad, meno gallah ye5re3ny??

La taw elnas 3ala metwa77esh..

Allah yebarik feek, thanx 7ajjy..o 7athreen etha fe hosha, LoooL

الله يسلمك اللي في بلاتينيوم "الكنساي" غير عن الكاجوكنبو, اول شي مدرب الكنساي اللي عندكم "عبدالله الفرج" صاحبي و اعرفه و معاي بالدوام, و اذا لقيت اي واحد يدرب كنساي ولا كندو غيره تره خرابيط, لأن الناس من سمعت عن فن السيف قاموا ياخذون دورات بو خمس شهوربعدين يقولك انا مدرب سيف...وخر عنهم
اذا عندك اهتمام بفن السيف, انصحك بعبدالله الفرج, مو لأن اعرفه, لأني حضرت تدريبهم و ماشالله عبدالله مدرب فوق الممتاز و ما تلقى احد بشخصيته, ريال فريد من نوعه. الكنساي معناها سيد السيف..تدريبهم و حركاتهم اغالبا حركات السيف حتى لو الدفاع او القتال بدونه..تدريبهم يغلب عليه الطابع الروحي اكثر من العنف و يبيله صبر شوي..و يبيله اللي يفهمه عدل, بس بالمراحل المتقدمه بالكنساي توصل الى تدريبات قاسيه يبيلها قوه تحمل جسديه و ذهنيه بنفس الوكت..بعض حركات الدفاع عن النفس تشبه حركاتنا بالكاجوكنبو

اما الكاجوكنبو, فن قتالي عنيف, من اول دقيقه بالتدريب راح تلاحظ قوة اللعبه, لا تتوقع انك تطلع اول يوم من غير ما تحوشك طقه ولا بوكس عالطاير..هدف المدرب انه يعود جسمك على الالم , لأن في كل نهاية تدريب المدرب يعطنا بوكسات عالبطن واحد واحد..قوة البكس على حسب حزامك, راح توصل لمرحله انك تنطر البكس هذا..لأن يحسس جسمك بقوة التحمل..طبعا دايما في بكسات ثانيه وكت تمارين المعده, بنص التمرين او اذا تعبت و حاولت تريح ولا تتسند..عنف ها سمارتيز

هدفك بالكاجوكنبو انك تتخلص من خصمك بأقل من 5 ثواني..طبعا بالحزم المتقدمه

anyway, I think I wrote alot..wayed garga, If you want to know more..you can google it, or try to visit us..

and kensi or kajukenbo..each one have its own taste..
sorry for writing that long again =)

kella met2a5er said...

I already checked it, but nothing there..I think I have to delete the post..coz 3afes my blog!! Ironicly hehe ;p

thanx dude

eshda3wa said...


minha lila3la enshallah

bs 3ad laish mat7e6 elvedio!

bashofik ten6ag ;P

im impressed

Navy Girl said...

lol shenoooo i meant can i join :P ooo whats with the rough oo tough they rhyme good :P

la bs seriously this is more like a street fight :P bs there is that kind i heard about it before its different its more like defending yourself only ... for example not to kick but to know how to stop someone from kicking you !! its all about defending yourself .. shsmaa .. i forgot .. it was ummm Ikedo or something like that !! :D

NoNoWa said...

Wooohooo! Thats my baby!! :)

Congratulations habiby- I am so proud of u- u did a great job!

My MONSTER!!!! :)

OutOfReach said...

mabro0k :)
is it diffrent than JUJITSU
my brother in-law plays jujitsu i'm sorry do you say play or practice :P i'm not sure cause you said its not a sport its street fight or something
but it is nice wallah
minha lila3la :))

kella met2a5er said...

Allah yebarik feech, thanx..

I dont think I will post the video..wullah 9aree7a enty, tbeen tshoofeny an6ag!! LoooL XD

its impressing fight style

navy girl:
I got the piont already, I know you meant joining..and no there are no girls kajukenbo training in kuwait!
Yeah its "aikido"..you are right, its too peaceful..girls, sheyyab anybody can practice aikido..
BTW, tara its even even aikido have punches and kicks..its all part of eldefa3 3an elnafs.

7beebty enty, thanx..you helped wullah..7yaty ent =)

3ad monster NoNoWa, hehe

Thanx, allah yebarik feech..

actually, jujitsu or jujutsu is part of our training, but not part of kajukenbo..coz they call jujitsu "The mother of martial arts"..coz most of martial arts came from jujitsu, it was created by the jabanese to fight there armed enemy, from several martial arts came in order..the concept of the jujutsu is fighting armed apponent without weapons..mainly ground fight and grappling and submission locks, its kinda like judo, but judo more into sport than a real fight..

you could say play and practice..I think,LoL

I hope I didnt make mistake the info`s, and I helped to make it clear =)

Navy Girl said...

oh okay get it .. wana join that kicky fighty thingy :P

Anonymous said...

OK. I am impressed! ;P La wallah sh'3l 3adil. Good for you.. Mabrook! =)

I am curios to see your moves, though. ;P~

kella met2a5er said...

navy girl:
Ok cool, join the thingy =)

Allah yebarik feech..thanx

Yeah right, well..dont be too curios, no body allowed to see my moves, except NoNoWa.. ;p~

Anonymous said...

MABROOOOOOK 3al diploma certificate! :D

testahal wallah ;)

Ms Loala said...

Congratulations :P

I think i should stand back a little ...

Missy said...

mabrook 3al certificate yal metw7sh :p

kella met2a5er said...

Allah yesalmik dude, testahal el6eeb =)

ms loala:
Thanx, eshda3wa..hehe

Allah yebarik feech, hehe

Kinano said...

WOW! You're dangerous :P

Yalla mabrook man.. Was 7asoon watching?! He must be hyped watching his dad fighting off minions ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! This is so CUTE! Didn't know NoNoWa is your wife. =D You guys should have a shared blog. And hopefully we'll hear more good news of the baby.

As for the belt, congrats again! :D

Smart-y said...

كشخه الشهادة، ماشاء الله!

ومشكور عالشرح، بصراحة مادري عن الرياضتين شي بس الحين عالاقل صار عندي فكرة، ومثل ما توقعت رياضتك تخرع اكثر! P: وماشاء الله عبدالله معروف بالنادي وكله اشوفه :)

kella met2a5er said...

Alla ybarik feek..I guess Im!!

Oooo Hussoon was crazy about it =)

We were gonna share blog, but then we thought..why won`t we but the bloggers into a little game of knowing who is my blogger wife..it was sooo funny XD..and inshallah fe good news about the baby soon =)

Thanx again..

ايه الشهاده عجيبه..حركات قويه هذي هههه

والله اهي مو تخرع بس عنيفه لأنها مو رياضه, الاسبوع اللي فات انا و عبدلله و اثنين شباب بعد, كنا ندرب ججتسو..قعدنا بالنادي تقريبا لما الساعه 11.50 والله كان اوكي و انشالله في اكثر

Anonymous said...

Hah. Good thing. Give my regards to the wife and baby!

Shaima'a Alkandari said...

yasalam shy 7loo b9ra7a

y3ny lgena ely ydaf3 3na


kella met2a5er said...

Shaima'a Alkandari:

Allah Yebarik feech..7athreen ;p