July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Closing StarBucks!

Yup, it is Starbucks..
Yup, its closed..
And yes, closed from the baladiyya..
Elshayi3...shame on you =/
Notice the news papers, they were used to cover the red stickers, LoL


Anonymous said...

which one ?
which starbucks ?

Um Mit3ib said...

ee which one ?

Gee™ said...

kel starbucks ? ;\
wla bs hal branch ?

ba3dain shemhabebeen ? ;p

Shaima'a Alkandari said...


3ad ana al7een three day bl palms w wayd 8a3da b starbucks w8a3da aktblk w ana feeeh

shnooo 9ayr :(

marshmallows said...

we we we

ay wa7d hatha

Eluded Euphoria said...

laish sakiroooh?

Anonymous said...

gal3eta !

Seattle dude said...

starbugs sux!

Anonymous said...

bound to happen, it's way over packed in the weekends

Anonymous said...

imsakar l2ana il baladiya im'6ai3a awrag il tar5ee9 hathi shlon it9ir ana madri..bas lo hardee's o rab3a wila nathan's o rab3a ili fat7in chan ma'6a3aw lawrag l2na $$$ bs starbucks ma yidfi3on 'ra$hra$h' fa '6aya3aw awrag il tar5e9 malathom sub7an allah

marshmallows said...

nfs salft mrkz sl6an eljam3a

elsna eli 6aft skrooh 3shan chthe

Missy said...

laish! @@

Ms Loala said...

Which one is it!!

Shaima'a Alkandari said...



laykoon mswy m'6ahrat

Anonymous said...

and whats the reason?

kella met2a5er said...

For every body asked wich one, its the one in bneider..the new one.

And no not all of them!

Starbuks sux, gal3eta..I couldnt agree more with you..

Why, I think becuz of eltar5ee9!!

Weany mi5tefy, well...Im trying to spend more time with my wife and kids, and the rest of it Im on my bike..

Sorry bloggers, bas halyoumein maly 5ilg elnet ebkobra =/


Shaima'a Alkandari said...

اوكي ياخوي اخذ راحتك وريح عيونك من النت

واهم شي تقعد مع اهلك وهذا الشي الاهم :)