( ) Crashed a friend's car
( x) Stolen a car. I was under 18 years old back then
( x) Been in love ( Heartbroken ) I thought I was, I was a kid, and I thought it was love, LoL
( x) Been dumped. I`ve been the dumper and the dumpee =)
( x) Shoplifted. I was 6, it was pencil sharpener in the shape of lady bug, fe na7no wa ala6faal belsalmeyya.
( ) Been fired
( x) Been in a fist fight
( x) Snuck out of your parent's house. Ooo 3ed o 5arbi6, I cant remember how many times!!
( ) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( x) Been arrested
( x) Gone on a blind date. I did once, and still regreting it, it was the most stupid thing I ever did in my life =/
( x) Lied to a friend. LooooL
( x) Skipped school. I wouldnt be KM if I didnt ;p
( x) Seen someone die
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane. Does a russian planes counts!!?
(x) Purposely set a part of yourself on fire
(x) Eaten sushi. Im not the sushi kind of preppy guy, but I try everything, except alcohol and drugs.
( ) Been skiing
( ) Met someone from the Internet
(x) Been to a concert
(x) Taken painkillers. Im a pharmacist for Gods sake, of course I did!!
(x) Love someone or miss someone right now. She is next to me right now =D
(x) Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
( ) Made a snow angel
( ) Had a tea party. I started drinking tea this year!!!!!!
(x) Flown a kite
(x) Built a sand castle. Not really that much of a castle, it was more like a giant body parts male/female ;p
(x) Gone puddle jumping
(x) Played dress up. NoNoWa got pics to black mail me, once I was julious ceaser =/
( ) Jumped into a pile of leaves
( ) Gone sledging
(x) Cheated while playing a game. LoooooooooL
(x) Been lonely. I like to be sometimes.
(x) Fallen asleep at work/school. I used to make fun of it, but now I Mastered it.
( ) Used a fake ID
(x) Watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
(x) Slept beneath the stars
(XXXXXXXXX) Been tickled
(x) Been robbed. In egypt, And in salwa area, somebody stole my rpm meter from my camaro!!
(xx ) Been misunderstood
(x) Petted a reindeer/goat/kangaroo. 95alah!! and it bit my pyjama.
(x) Won a contest. RED RACING SCHOOL, formula1.
(xx =) xxxxx ) Run a red light/stop sign. Me, naah.
(x) Been suspended from school
(xxx) Been in a car crash
( ) Had braces. F#ck No.
(x) Felt like an outcast/third person. Who didnt.
( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) Had déjà vu. I scare my self sometimes, how much I know or see stuff repeated infront my eyes. and I remeber when it saw it the first time or knew about it, I think its contagious..cuz nonowa started to almost have the same after we got married!!!
( ) Danced in the moonlight
(x) Witnessed a crime. several times, once it was stabbing.
( ) Questioned your heart. I never question my heart, I question my brain!!
( ) Been obsessed with post-it notes
(x) Squished mud through your bare feet
(x) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
( ) Been on the opposite side of the world, or close
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Felt like dying
(x) Cried yourself to sleep. The night NoNowas father refused my proposal to marry her.
(x) Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons. Im a dad!!
( ) Sang karaoke. future plan.
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose. wayeeeed.
( ) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus. Mako sh`3il. LooL
(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe. Guess who and where?
(x) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about. Many times =)
(x) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
( ) Gone roller-skating
( x) Had a wish come true. Im living it, el7emdella.
( x) jumped off a bridge. pedesrtian bridge.
loool wen 5osh taak wyna 5an shoof :P:P
Finally a post, ma3a innah tag, bas may5alif:p u've done a lot in ur life, good for you:)
Good to know;p
lool you answers are funny!! You were a gangster you stole a car :P which one was it??
I just knew that you are a pharmacist - Allah yewafgk enshallah :)
How is the lil met2a5er doing?
btw you have been missed so post regularly :)
Click on "show Original post" over your comment, or "back" on the top of the page..so you can shoof ;p
big pearl:
Ba3ad shasawy, zein I made a post ya m3awda..inshallah the next one better =)
Enzein lesh `9ayig 5olgich ya3ny..goly el7emdella fe post from KM finally ;p
Gangster, ee..bas I was less than 18, it was syyarat el2ahal y3ny..My parents, my grandfather Cadi, and shab7 3ala ayyam gaboul, my ancles cars..other friend stole syyarat 3yal 3amhom, drove almost everything then..and en7eshna men police lots of times, Damn it was fun..but stupid =/
I will inshallah post more later on, inshallah soon..
Thanx alot e5ayyey =)
waaayd 7lw el tag, a7eb a3ref hal ashya2 el s3'eera bl nas, ma3anha ma3loumat malha da3y bs etgreb el nas mn ba3a9'ha =)
ur comments 3al questions ye9'7koun lol, bethat: "( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus. Mako sh`3il. LooL"
haaa sh5bar Saloomy?? ;D
ما خليت شي لوووووووووووول!
ya salam ya salam 7iatk 7afelaaa ... whatever that means :D LOL
You life wayed qi9a :P
loool mbii smela 3alek o enta young zen ma 9ar fek shay
ya3ny alah el 7aafeth walaah
lana 9ij embada3 loool wanasaa a'3lab el as2ela ana no
bs ambi when u said
x) Cried yourself to sleep. The night NoNowas father refused my proposal to marry her.
sooooooooo cute ambi ya5tyy waalaa
dma3t 3yonii
waay alah e5alekom lba3th ya raab
lol fun fun fun post friendii :D
Im glad you liked it, wullah Im just writing whatever pops in my mind, LoL
Wullah Sallomy fash, tadry ba3d elwelada, lazim yfeshoon elyahhal, Hehe
Ee 7athrein, ma a5ly shy..fe more from where that came ba3ad ;p
"ya salam 7iatk 7afelaaa ..."
Ee 7yaty ba9 ;p
ms loala:
Ba3ad ma sema3ty shy, hatha nobtha allah yesalmich, LooL
LoooooooooooooL, wayid ta2atharty belpost, ha?? hehe
La el7emdella allah 7afathny inshallah..
Ana wein o "ya5ty" wein!!? LooooL..bas yallah mo meshkilla, I leave this in6eba3 3alpeople usually =)
Allah yesma3 mennich e55ayya inshallah..thanxatin chetheera
Im glad you liked it..salamon ya frienda =D
KM that tag is so long
its like an application file or something ;P
bas ta3al why were you arrested (nosy i know ;P)
oohh and how is nonowa doing :)
LoooL, I copied this tag from Amus blog..I know its long, bas interesting.
Why do you wanna know ya3ny? shofy aham shy, it wasn`t something mo5el belsharaf wal2amana, el7emdella =)
Mathloom wulla, bas shasawy!! hehe
NoNoWa is fine, not getting enough sleep maskeena.
haha ma5lait shay km! how's the little fellow ?
LooL, I know..that was nothing ;p
The little one got his firs hospital visit for a routine check ups yesterday..his is doing good el7emdella =)
thanx for asking =D
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