July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

والله فشله

Have you ever asked your self, why they call it "jam3eyya"??
Well, let me assist you in that, cuz it,s supposed to have evrything in there, everything should be available in there..
For god sake I cant even find butter in jam3eyyas anymore.
So from here, I think they should find another name so we will not over estimate.

Instead, I think it should be called:
1. Mash 7alik
2.We have "some"
3.Dont try
5.No we dont have it
6.Dont get your hopes up
7.On going inventory
8.Mafy kuwaiti
And my final and favorite..
12.E5ith 3ala gaddik..o 5al 7ag `3erik Co-op
Ma3a ta7eyyat The "Un" Co-Operative Federation


Navy Girl said...

my god i ask myself the same question everyday !! aby carnation !!! ooo there aint any !!! okay fine its overpriced now keefy i wana it its my own money shenoo y3ny !! they should have it on ooo people could decided for their own selves if they are buying it or not !! not to boycott everything cuz its overpriced ooo end up with nothing on the shelves !! god bs I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee those names .. may I add “ ay shy co-op” ? :P

eshda3wa said...

KM we have to support the jam3iya ena they refuse ina prices go up!

lana inflation 9ayr moo 6abe3e!

dont complain


kella met2a5er said...

Navy girl:
I kinda agree with you but unfortunatly peeps in kuwait dont care about crazy prices when it comes to something they want, not even needed!! so Im not against the whole idea..Im against the bad planning for those jam3eyyat, ya3ny ma 3endohom m5azin, ma 3endehom emergency stocks, cant they really control the prices instead of just stoping the items..
Plus, where is the co-op products, I know it sucks, some of it, bas 3ala elaqal yemashy el7al..for god sake I CANT EVEN FIND A DAMN BUTTER =/

And yes you may..cool name, hehe ;p

Well, the same thing I wrote for navygirl, Im not against what elfekra..bas ana against eltanfeeth..

I do support them, bas 3ala 5afeef!!

5roofa said...


a7la name no we dont have it

lana ams bget a6eg ele bel jam3eya men kether ma sema3ta

9ij 9ij mako ela nsawe jam3eya bro7na wela nred ayam awal nyeb ma3ez o nezra3 5etra o fakha o nrabi deyay loool

thanks 3ala el post

salamz friend...

Ms Loala said...

Unlike you, i'm impressed by this move and i highly support it.

L2an el sharikat MO KAFO el wa7ed ya36ehom wayh.
Besmella lel7en elm3ashat ma zadat oo zado as3arhom!!! 3ayal la yezedon el m3ashat bel asas! ma sawena shay!!! :\

I really hope they can survive for some time and not give up. Khal yetnakelon bajy el sharikat.

That's why they're called jam3eya t3aweneya, they're NON-PROFIT sectors.

If you want something that's not available you can always go to sultan center though i highly hope they start boycotting this inflation!

kella met2a5er said...

Mal eljam3eyya shakla garig garga 3ala rasich!!

Nerabby deyay 5osh mashroo3, ma3iz meno..shako!!?

You are welcome =)

ms loala:
Dont be to impressed, mo kil eljam3eyyat masheen 3ala halsalfa, for example, jam3eyyat elsura, you will find maktoob fog bab eljam3eyya, "we might be a little expensive, but we have a better quality!!" , 6ab3an bel3arabi..

Aaa, yeah..I know!! akeed ya3ny bro7 TSC bas elsalfa mo chethee, if I cant find butter, simple item, not even a good brand, just any brand..inshallah msaweenha fe kurdistan, bas at least fee essential items!! I dont have to 6ig darb to markaz sultan just to get a damn butter!!

That is what Im trying to say..

So2al yesda7 nafsa ghasob..

Any one of you "who commented or will comment in the future" have to go and get the monthly or weekly shopping from eljam3eyya for the whole house, I mean grocery ya3ny, machla belkuwaity, wela bas sowalif kakaw o 7law o dala3 Items?? cuz If you never did, then I dont think you know what are you talking about!! -WITH MY RESPECT-

5roofa said...

looool shfek m3a9eb friend

blaa ray7en sharen majlat ana with my mom o mara ma3a 5alty
soo kel el majla ne6la3 menha nag9a lana el yahal smela 3alehom teshere6 fe no3 el 7aleb o el 3a9er
'3er anwa3 mo3ayana men el meat o el beth
'3er KDD o blawe wayed

hadi hadi lol

salamz dear friend...

Anonymous said...

7asa feek , abeeeee KDD ;'''(

kella met2a5er said...

LoL =)
La mo m3a9ib, but elsalfa tbo6 elchabd shwyya..really!!

Thank God ina somebody got the piont ;p

"a7la el6ayibat..telgonha fe TSC, lulu and city center" according to their adds and sms for KDD!!

Amethyst said...

Lol! Aham shay "Don't get your hopes up"! So true;\

Mako KDD cream eli yen7a6 b a lot of food. It's essential and necessary + mu mawjood b TSC wala Carrefour!

kella met2a5er said...

Another one got the point, yeah =D

About the name, Im glad you liked it, I got more bas ghair 9ali7 lelnashir ;p

KDD cream mo mawjood fee TSC and Carre..man this is just what we need, mako 5air el6ayibat any more ha..

Try the delivry service..

Welcome in ma blogy =)

kuwaitya_7saweya said...

ee el arff 5alya why lish ??
bs 5osh asamy looooool

kella met2a5er said...

Tell me about it..9ra7a qahar wulla!!

about the names, tara fe aqwa bas I didnt have the time ;p

welcome =)

Anonymous said...

loool, noticed that too and at first I felt annoyed but thinking about it now I'm with them (co-ops) at least 85% because some brands have taken advantage of consumers and we should not encourage them.

Other brands have increased prices within reasonable range which is not a problem at all and I believe co-ops should reconsider them.

Smart-y said...

LOL 7bait esm "Mafy Kuwaiti" akther shai, cuz it's so true! al7in shako mako KDD bl jam3yat! ya3ny 3aaaib hatha muntaj kuwaiti 7ta lw zad el si3r it's ok.. 3al agal Kuwaiti, w el mafro9' enkoun akthr nas supportive lehoum 7ta lw zadw se3ra 100 fils! shnu ya3ny, elle yaby yeshtry yeshtry w ele ma yaby try another brand w fk 3umrek, so simple el salfa bs madree laish "el muga6a3a!"

allah y5ally Sultan Center wallah, 9ert kella arou7 ehnak :)

kella met2a5er said...


Well..I kinda agree with you, but..still, 3ayzan a6ig darb kil marra to TSC just to get a pack of milk or a stick of butter!!