July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Ya 7lat elhnood wullah...W to V!!

Read the writing in English under the name, Frawla was spelled Faravla...LOL
You gotta love these people, I really enjoy talking to them, the way they use the words and sounds, like the letter "A" is pronuonced "yea", "w" is pronounced "v", "E" is "yee"....
Even the words, they usually use the word "expired" instead of "died" or "passed away"!!
Unfortunatly, lots of people underestimate Indians, although that they are one of the most devoted people when it comes to knowledge and science..
Indian shuttles reached space earlier this month, and we are still arguing with our neighbors about unifying our GCC ID's and currency!!
SlamonNn =)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Closing StarBucks!

Yup, it is Starbucks..
Yup, its closed..
And yes, closed from the baladiyya..
Elshayi3...shame on you =/
Notice the news papers, they were used to cover the red stickers, LoL