July 24th, 2008
The worst day of my life. They applied the fingerprint time attendence
system at my work.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Greeny is back baby

بعد طول غياب و الم و معاناة, وسهر الليالي وكآبه مريره, وحرمان قاسي..بعد صولات و جولات و رحلات مكوكيه في ارجاء المملكه المروريه الخايسه و تنفس الهوا الصحي جدا من حلوج الاوادم و خصوصا المدخنين من الصبح كل ما بغيت اشق طريجي بداعي حب الخشوم من عميد ليعقيد..وتقديم القرابين "اي شي" والتبهدل على ما الواحد يطلعله البرنت المقدس (برنت 11) اللي ذبحونا فيه, و حتى لو بأيدك واحد ما يعجبهم لازم تطلع واحد يديد يلق دافي من البرنت اللي قام يبكي من كثر مخالفات الاوادم في موسم المخالفات هلا فبراير..و طبعا كل هالرحله ما تخلى من الظراط الزايد عشان توقيع ولا بس لما يسمع انك تبي تطلع سيكلك من الحجز..عقد الحمدلله و الشكر مجرمين مو بايكرز..و من تقوله سيكل بعد الكلمه ما طلعت كامله يقولك راجعنا بعد شهرين, شهرين عشان دفتر؟ يرد عليك: والله هذا القانون اللي ماشي..اي بس واحد من الربع مخالفته استهتار و رعونه و كان بنفس الليله و سيكله طلع بعد يومين!!..يرد علي: والله مادري بس ما يصير تعال بعد شهرين. والله كلام فاضي اللي يصير بالكويت يا جماعه, يعني لازم اروح حق اللي اكبر منك و اكسر كلمتك اللي مالها قيمه بعد توقيع البيج بوس؟!! والله حاله.
شغله انت تملكها ..ملك شاريه بالآلاف مو 50 ولا 100 دينار ياخذونه منك و ما يرجعلك الا على مزاج الاكباريه اذا عجبته ولا واحد عود نفس حجمه توسطلك..و بشخطة قلم, يرجع, وكل هذا علشان الدفتر مال المركبة الاجراميه مو معاك..ليش , واللي يقهر اكثر ان من الاسباب اللي خلتهم يقولون شهرين ان كل الاوراق و البرنت و محضر الحجز و الخالفه و تقرير الشرطي مكتوب فيهم انا المركبه بدون لوحات, طبعا لما خذوه اللوحات كانت عليه..و اللي اكتشفته اليوم ان تم التوصيه علي عشان يداروني و يسووني يا دهينه لا تنكتين, لان لمن رحت استلم المركبه(على تسميتهم) اللوحه موجوده بمكانهاولا متحركه وعلى حطتها..وكتها عرفت اني(في اي بي) وشخصيه مهمه..المهم انا دخت و اكتب..يبه السيكل طلع و المدلله ايواااااااااااااااا و هييا, باركولي.
Well..I think it`s obvious that my bike is back..and that is great but I had to go through hell to get it out..and all that because of the shrimp kid..damn him, he really played it good with me..and the license plate was on the bike the whole time..it was just to but me into the hell you could face when you go through an argument with a police man in kuwait, just to get what you already own..nice ha?
and what kills me that whenever you finally finish and pay to get your bike, they simply tell you: go and find it, the keys on the bike..BiG WoW..talking about keeping others property safe..you know what it is? its load of crab what is going on here, but thank God anyway..its all done..I have my bike back and that is enough.
congrates for me =)

Saturday, February 17, 2007


So I went to get my bike like what the stupid police men told me, and hey there you go we start the kuwaity style goverment tours in there very high tech facilities.They asked me in the impound: Who told you to come saturday, no body can take their bike without atleast 10 days to pass since the date of the ticket..yeah, we started the ancient dilemma.

يوم السبت..والله قالوا السبت و ماكوا فايده, الظاهر الجماعه بيخلون السيكل عندهم شوي على ما الخرابيط الروتينيه على الطريقه الكويتيه حسب وصفة الساده الكرام الشيفس و الطباخين اللي ماسكين المرور و قوانينه..الله يستر شنو نهايتها.


I hate foam..foam is bad, foam sucks..and I hate every foam sprayer, I hate foam cans..foam stinks, and makes people hate u, please don't spray foam in national day..its just so fu@#ing stupid..makes you look like one too, so don`t..please.

That was a MSG from the civilized people to the dumb asses..thanx for reading..bbye.

Friday, February 16, 2007

That is Stupid!! aaaaaaaaaaa

publish publish publish plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz publish ya rabby shaleblog hatha..sorry!! I didn`t know that the keyboard was on.

My first fall!!

لاآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآآ حرام يا جماعة والله حرام انا اتخالف والله ظلم..و ينسحب السيكل بعد عوار قلب..انا يسحب ليسني هالنتفة العصل والله قهر..

WOW..Yesterday, that was just what I need my licenses and my bike are taken!! why? just because some dumb ass police man wanna increase the number of the credits of his preys..sorry but that's what I feel. These police men have no respect just because we are riding motorcycles doesn`t make us criminals all the sudden.

Now don`t understand me wrong, most of the guys I'm riding with are police men or in the army so it`s not like I have something against them..but just today Gosh I was gonna kill that little shrimp with my deadly back hand ..seriously I was gonna.

We were around 13 bikers in the beginning, sometimes more sometimes less. It was fun and the weather was incredible. The guys were all riding smoothly, welcoming even stranger bikers for a little while to join us sometimes for some time there wasn`t lots of cars around in gulf road although it was Thursday, it was perfect..but I knew there was something wrong it cant be that good I know my luck plus I actually arrived early: before most of the guys so that was weird kind of..I'm usually LATE!

First thing happened when ever we were in the middle of the fun was my fog light..it was simply broke out from the base..now that was A blast, fun ha? so I had to break out from the group to go and fix it..I did, then I met the guys back in Green island..there was that old man (Bu.Khaled) he was a former police man. He directly asked me why wasn`t I wearing my helmet and I didn`t give any importancy to what was he saying..all what I told him that today the weather was nice and it`s shame to sweat with the helmet..Abdulaziz agreed with me so we didn`t put on our helmets neither did a couple of guys who were with us..after that in a while me and AbdulAziz pulled over to wait the guys coz we were a head of them..all the sudden this guy came running to me and asked me to turn off my bike..that was strange I never been in this situation before , actually It didn`t even cross my mind that he could be a police man..specially with all the seens of jerkness and assholeness and stupidity was there on gulf street..I refused then he insisted and showed me his badge. I turned it off , gave him the license and the fight was almost started between me and him..this little shrimp kid..he was so rude so so rude..and that was what made me angry..asked him what my mistake, of course was the helmet..but it got worse when I didn`t give him the registration of the bike..there you go, you can imagine all the bullshit u could get from the shrimp kid after that..so they took my bike and parked it in the back with a couple of bikes and cruisers..it was painfullto see them pushing it through the sand without yelling at them..Iwas so MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Man, I couldn`t take it really..then to see some stranger ride ur bike in front of you with a big smile..and my friends want me to apologize. Of couse not, ..HELL NO..not me. Me apologize? Instead I yelled!

The funny and strange:
The funny thing that one of the guys (RAED) with his harley davidson delux fully accessorised came by and so all the bikes so he thought it was a biker gathering so he spinned his wheels causing the addicting sound of screaming wheels and roaring engines..yeh they caught him..huh funny.,the strange my brothers motorcycle was there..damn: I told the guy, you just bought it a couple of days ago and now you lose it..dumbass.

Last thing..its a shame we missed the test drive in marina for the new brand Impata..oh well not meant to be.

Monday, February 12, 2007


yesterday was a really really SHity day..but..5alha 3ala Allah

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Its a sad sad day..

Today is one of the saddest days in my "biking" life..my brother sold his bike today in the afternoon at 18:00 o'clock, and I feel like we didn't have the chance to ride enough together. Last ride was last week..it was crazy but fun..I miss you already (CBR900) and your crazy rider, it might not be alot for some people but for me and my brother it was the first bike our skinny asses "not really" rested on..and now its gone.

حمود اخوي يا غالي ولا يهمك ولا يضيق خلقك و بيعة السيكل خيرة الله يخليك لنا و لبنيتك و ام عيالك..والله احلى طلعات معاك يا اخوي

Friday, February 9, 2007

spring break

Wow..what a holiday..what a glorious couple of weeks its been..what a really really yellow vacation we had, I really enjoyed riding my bike in the middle of the breathtaking sandstorms in Kuwait "literally". I actually had a great ride with the Mrs (her birthday) . That was nice day, we had a picnic in al marina crescent, and the other time was riding with the guys last week and the "Shark" like he calls him self, other than that it sucks a D and now its finished..yup done and back to work.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


well here Im in the blogs world..posting..and late like always, I`ve been wanting to create my blog spot for decades and never got the "time" to start..

any way hope to not be late to post and..I think that`s enough for now, c ya